Epo The Mrs. profile picture

Epo The Mrs.


About Me

| View | Add FavoriteI Am a well rounded woman of Gawd!!!! I love the people of Gawd and the ones with potential(whosoever will) I love music music music. It is my way of worship. My whole life has a sound track. My church home is www.folmi.org We worship like God wants it. I am a silly person but I am a mother in the spirit so I kinda come with a sneek attack. I love Tomise even though I hav not seen her in months I am Happily married to the Man O f my Prayers and Dreams(God gave me more than I asked for).Gawd is GOOOOOOOOOD! Holla @ me lets se what we can gat into up in here Meet ya at the top!!!

My Interests

Hair Journey Vid. ..
Photo and video editing at www.OneTrueMedia.comMy Video Sanctification!Clock

get this clockSnap vine

Do you really know me?

Take my quiz!

Take This Quiz | See Scores | Make Own QuizSING SING SANG!!! I write and I love to watch people dance.I am a teacher of the word. I am very interested in clowning you if you fit the bill. LOL!!!

I'd like to meet:


Take My Quiz
From QuizYourProfile.com
what movie do I quote the most.

A) Dream Girls
B) Bable
C) Hitch

Who Do I Love (are U for sure)

A) Will Smith
B) Eddie Crockett
C) Eddie Murphy

How Old Was I when I recieved (and understood) Salvation

A) 20
B) 32
C) 15

The Bible says That My Body is

A) The Temple of the HolyGhost
B) The dusty abyss of filth and dred
C) The resting place of evil for eternity

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short & simple! survey..
the simple stuff
name please: Tia A.K.A. Epoladee
whats your gender: F
single or taken: TAKEN By Eddie
do you have a crush: Yeah!!! On Eddie
height: 5'7"
what school do you go to: Polk community college
what grade are you in: sophmore
do you have good grades: Yes
whats your favorite class: Abnormal Psychology
whats your least favorite class: MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the opposite sex
tall or short: Eddies Height
what hair color: Eddies hair
what eye color: Eddies Eyes
built or not: Eddies Build
popular and mean, or shy and nice: All things to all men (Eddie)
what brand clothes: Brand? Just make it do what it do!
whose your best friend: Jesus/Eddie
are they nice: yes
how many friends do you have: 5
whose the loudest: RJ
whose the funniest: Tyrisha
whose the skinniest: Jaye
whose the bitchiest:
this or that
coke or pepsi: Water
blonde or brunette: brunette
tv or computer: computer
chinese food or fast food: fast food
black or white: Thats to hard
pink or blue: both(purple is my favorite)
rap or rock: Depends on whats being said
name the first thing that comes to your mind
banana: peel
toothbrush: toothpaste
gorilla: Rj
sleep: Now
boom: Box
tornado: Dorathy
paris hilton: Hott
hairy legs: Carmen
other stuff
what time is it: 3:20 Pm
what color is your house: Money Green
whats your favorite song: Awesome in this place
was this boring: No
do you know your abc's: If I sang them
now what time is it: 3:20
later gator: After while crockadile
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Don get me started. Kim Burrell,Adrian Archie, Kriten Joseph(although she is not yet famous),Al Jarreau, Ty, Kirk(LOL @ the first name status)Karen Clark sheard, James Hall, Da truth, Cross Movement, Ce Ce Winans, Janita Bynum Weeks (thats worship without the smokeand mirrors)Dorenda,Byran Cage, Nikki Ross, anything sweet smooth calm melow(Let it be jesusly),Last but not


.. --51.28 78.79 67.65 70--
ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population. Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)The Wiz, My fare Lady, Black and white any thing, Musicals, Chicago, The Matrix(all three), The butterfly effect.Music DVDs The Color Purple

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Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!TBN, HGTV, The cosby show, Different World, Little Bill, Fragle Rock,..
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Profile courtesy of MySpace LayoutsBible. Where the side walk end. Sooo many!!!


JAMES HALL OMG!!!This video is hawt for child hood memories "Knight Rider"!knight rider, sort of
Add to My Profile | More VideosMy Gawd,My Husband,My Mom,My Granny,My friends,My Pastor,Maybe YOU

My Blog

Maranda Curtis Safe In His Arms

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaDha9APD9o OMG!...
Posted by Epo The Mrs. on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 01:10:00 PST

Testimony Time

 Well Im Back....... It's time to testify!!! Yall I must confess this year is starting off crazy. God is handling some things that I wasn't even looking for. I'm tellin you guys to stay in his wa...
Posted by Epo The Mrs. on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 03:36:00 PST

One (poem)

..>..>..> ..> What if we figured out Theres no clout in opinion That God has all power and has Granted Dominion What if The bride of Christ was faithful and gave up her flirt Understanding Our ...
Posted by Epo The Mrs. on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 03:13:00 PST

Whats Eatin You In "Oh Ate"?

Hey my people! How Goes it so far in 2008? I am so excited. This year will be far more enlightening than last. Last year was awesome but it must be topped. NO! this is not a bunch of Hog wash. La...
Posted by Epo The Mrs. on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 04:11:00 PST


Man OH Man! Today me and my prayer partnah was talkin about Grace vs. mercy. Grace is the ability of God. His ability to keep you from falling. His favor . Mercy is His ability to bring us back to Gra...
Posted by Epo The Mrs. on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:29:00 PST

seperate the whos from the dos.(yes I did it!)

I really got energized this morning. As a matter of fact I feel like I am having a sugar rush. I was listening to Joyce Myers and she was talking about seperating what you do from who you are. It was ...
Posted by Epo The Mrs. on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 07:46:00 PST

A brother is born for Adversity!?!

I have delima, drama, whatevah....... A Brother is born for adversity. Right? Or at least That is what the word says but I have had a interesting thing happen to me a couple of times. I have a very ti...
Posted by Epo The Mrs. on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 04:13:00 PST


YOU ARE BROTHER OR SISTER...sisAGE26LOCATIONlakeland fla.CHURCH YOU ATTENDwww.folmi.org "The fountain"DENOMINATIONnonARE YOU A CHRISTIAN?Im made in his image and jesus(alone) is lordHOW LONG YOU BEEN ...
Posted by Epo The Mrs. on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 02:04:00 PST