THEqueues began on Thanksgiving Eve in the year of our lord, two-thousand and 5. It was JARL at first, but that started to get lonely for him, so at second it was ROB. They started out writing instruction manuals, but that didn't really go over too well with the "indie" crowd. It did, however, go over well with the EMOs, but the EMOs didn't go over well with Rob and Jarl, so they scrapped that idea altogether and started writing songs instead.
Eventually, Rob knew a guy (RONNIE) and Jarl had always known a guy, several actually, and they were VITO on drums, and RORY on bass, respectively. Rory was promptly sacked in favor of Ronnie(on bass), respectfully.
For the first few months of their existence, THEqueues gigged around Central Florida to uproarious acclaim and satisfaction. But it wasn't until their winter tour of the Southern states in 2006 that men AND women alike began to swoon. When they returned to Central Florida they were new men. KINGS!
With their newfound popularity and fame, THEqueueueues saw their influence triple, and they were suddenly able to do things that were previously off limits. Naturally, they set their sights on Waffle House... but the house of waffles said no, so they had to settle with Dennys, their second choice. On July 19 of 2008 their 1st album 'Noisemaker' was released, and THEqueues officially became the FIRST BAND TO EVER PLAY INSIDE OF A DENNY'S RESTAURANT, EVER. No small feat, I'm sure.
But, this historic occasion was not without its problems. The fame started getting to these boys' fragile little heads, and the late night laundry molestations were becoming a problem. Finding that there was no one(save for Waffle House)to say "no" to them, the band started to lose their grip on reality. Vito was charged with posession of yogurt(which wasn't actually a big deal), Rob was briefly incarcerated after an incident with the paparazzi outside of his Summer home in Siberia, Ronnie said, "peace"(inspiring a generation), Jarl threw up on stage, and they broke up.
And we never saw them again…
THEqueues?…on MY profile? It's true! HERE'S HOW: