I'm human. I'm male. I'm 17 going on 3. I'm legally married in the state of California to my amazing Gemma :) I'm an extremly special child (not the good kind of special). I do drama/dance for GCSE. I'm as straight as a round-a-bout. No really, i am straight. As well as a special child i can be quite random, and currently i have a bag of sugar sat on the floor in my room (1 kilogram bag to be percise). Aprrently i am a "ledgend" but i don't believe this because ledgends are dead and last time i checked i was alive. My favourite colour is black, but i sometimes like to wear some burberry and me bling and hang outside of the local off-licence and cause havoc to the local community. I ABSOLUTLY HATE sarcaism (i was being a bit sarcastic there). There's otherthings about me but i'm too lazy to write them. PEACE OUT!
Thousand of years ago Moses came to the people in a far off country and said the 9 commandments of God (yeah, mother fucking 9!). For many years the true commandments were hidden and said to be too brilliant for the world at that time. Now the world has decayed further and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better, so here those 9 commandments that were lost many years ago:
1. thou must participate in twisted conversations daily
2. thou must allow dirty thoughts to enter the brain
3.thou must voice dirty thought publicly
4.one must no steal other's unused condom while on other man's penis
5. thou must allow any physical sexual actions to take place
6.sexual activities are a spectating sport
7. sex is not something to be 'hushed up'
8. sex is sumthing to be shouted from the rooftops
9.doing sexual activities with someone of the same gender is perfectly fine
If you wish to spread these commandments, feel free, we have no charge or copyright of them, but please tell us, we want to know how far this goes.