never judge a book by it's cover
I'm honest,I tell the truth&& nothing but the truth
I have a wide range of taste in music
I try to be an open minded person
I hate Assholes
I am both optimistic&&a pessimist
I try not to be a narcissist
I can be a best friend;
don't expect me to be you're worst nightmare,I am not cliche'.
I have bitchy days, I have mallow days.
I'm myself, I Won't change for no one
I Love my friends&family like no other
I am loyal to all
I'm a smart ass; but who isn't
I'm Very Sarcastic
I'll fight for what I believe in
I hardly take sides
I won't play favorite, everyone gets treated the same
I like meeting people that can change my life;
people who change my perspective on life
I'm not prejudice,or racist
the government makes me sick
our president is an air head
I won't hate you if you like Bush, but despise your choice
I'm a Huge Procrastinator
I'm also a slacker
I hate having the "falling dream"
I've been hurt one too many times
all different times
but hurt like a bitch each time
I can't stand how everyone is catergorized
why must it happen?
I like Young Michael Jackson
He's just too much of a weirdo
I'm strong on my opinions;because they are just that
I ♥ Good charlotte..Don't hate me for it
I Looooove benji&joel;Benji more
I Like Eminem,He speaks his mind&&don't care.
and even hate it when I do
I'm weird, I'll admit it
Im a sensitive person, but you can't take advantage of me
I love little kids&&babies, they say the cutest things
Who I'd like to meet:
I'd like to meet someone who isn't afraid to be themself;someone who won't judge me, but love me.
Some one I can tell my secrets to.
anyone who will tell me theirs