Ashley Nicole profile picture

Ashley Nicole

This album's for my fans, but this hook is for my Exes...

About Me

I'm nice, I'm friendly
never judge a book by it's cover
I'm honest,I tell the truth&& nothing but the truth
I have a wide range of taste in music
I try to be an open minded person
I hate Assholes
I am both optimistic&&a pessimist
I try not to be a narcissist
I can be a best friend;
don't expect me to be you're worst nightmare,I am not cliche'.
I have bitchy days, I have mallow days.
I'm myself, I Won't change for no one
I Love my friends&family like no other
I am loyal to all
I'm a smart ass; but who isn't
I'm Very Sarcastic
I'll fight for what I believe in
I hardly take sides
I won't play favorite, everyone gets treated the same

I like meeting people that can change my life;
people who change my perspective on life
I'm not prejudice,or racist
the government makes me sick
our president is an air head
I won't hate you if you like Bush, but despise your choice
I'm a Huge Procrastinator
I'm also a slacker
I hate having the "falling dream"
I've been hurt one too many times
all different times
but hurt like a bitch each time
I can't stand how everyone is catergorized
why must it happen?
I like Young Michael Jackson
He's just too much of a weirdo
I'm strong on my opinions;because they are just that
I ♥ Good charlotte..Don't hate me for it
I Looooove benji&joel;Benji more
I Like Eminem,He speaks his mind&&don't care.

I hate not having money
and even hate it when I do
I'm weird, I'll admit it
Im a sensitive person, but you can't take advantage of me
I love little kids&&babies, they say the cutest things

Who I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet someone who isn't afraid to be themself;
someone who won't judge me, but love me.
Some one I can tell my secrets to.
anyone who will tell me theirs

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


I would say my Parent's sadly, I don't have Both, I've got my mom;she's enough.she's my rock, my strength. I strive for her. to be the best I can. to prove to her..she taught me the best.

My other hero is My big brother he's the best to me, even though we have our tough times, what siblings don't!? I love both to death.they're possibly the greatest to me. no one can love me like they do

Bryan, you're the best you, like no one else understands me. You get me like no other. you helped me. I intend to help you any way I can.I Love all my heroes ;)

My Blog

Let me take your Photo!!!!

Just a few shots I thought were cool. ...
Posted by Ashley Dizzle on Fri, 12 May 2006 11:56:00 PST


so. i will post some BLOGS in herefor others i will post them in my Livejournal am i like the only loser who has one?! here is the link. livejournal there it check out the stuff from there and ...
Posted by Ashley Dizzle on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 03:33:00 PST