Oil Painting, gardening, and of course searching for gold.Camping, traveling in our camper, Taking care of my gold fish pond.
Anyone that has something to say, interesting people, people with the same interest as me.
I have always loved country music, but country music is getting more and more pop..I like most music except for grunge, hard rock, stuff thats so loud and unable to understand any of it.But everyone has there own likes.and dislikes
Discovery,TLC,History. Days of our lives. survivor, Lost...Gold fever, Prospecting for Gold.
I love Jean Auel, you know the first American type books. Valley of Horses.
My Heros are my parents and grandparents, they managed when times were so bad, during a time of depression, when money was so very short. We were raised as proud people, we never really knew we were poor until someone with money referred to us as being that way. Well we might have been poor, but we were happy and we respected everyone. We loved our parents and they loved us. I have a wonderful memory of my childhood. We did not go to movies, or eat out, there was not fast food places. I tasted my first pizza when I was in HIgh school, and on a date. Oh how times have changed. My parents and grandparents are gone, but they are still my heros. I just hope that some day I might be someone's hero.... .