About Me
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Oh Hey! I'm Robin and I think that life is just fabulous. I love to laugh at absolute nothingness and the fact that nobody knows what I'm talking about 85% of the time. I basically have my own language with my gals. In nature is THE BEST place to be! I'm an Animal Sciences major and I am physically OBSESSED with animals of any kind! I love the ocean! People who can make me laugh are basically my favorites aka my friends...LOVE YOU! I'm pretty laid back and just go with the flowww. I contemplate dreds daily even though I'd look pretty goddamn awwwful. My favorite things in the universe are: my family & my friends, my fat dog and retarded cats, my bunny NUGS, LED ZEPPELIN, summer drives with a couple joints and no destination, DOGS!!, Golden Grahams, shoes, exaggerating, summer concerts, Penelope Cruz, UMASS (my second home), Charlie, coconut flavored anything, playing with the puppies at the mall, MUSIC of all sorts!!!, Giselle because I want to be her, made-up words (ZUMP), new socks, awful-yet-fantastic dance moves, gardens, vodka and lemonades, whales, tie-dye, bong rips, New England in the fall, showers after the beach, fields, Key West and The Cape, Grace, rescuing buggies, hiking, skinny dipping, being obnoxious at any cost, puddles, generosity, being outside, summer and being TAN, Family Guy, America's Next Top Model, dance and rap battles against my sister, and marijuana & the astounding things I think about when I smoke it. I HATE when people mix up "their," they're," and "there." IT'S NOT THAT HARD YOU FUCKS! I waltz with my Dad at least once a day when I'm home. I'm always homesick. Animal Planet is just delicious. I wish I was born in the 50's so in the 60's I could be a drugged-out hippy. I'll make out with my girls if you ask. I want to be in the Peace Corps. Pharrell is a sex god. A night where I haven't taken at least two really bad drunken falls should be considered a national holiday. I shower naked with my friends. I dance while I drive. I rush for nothing and no one. If you don't like loud people then don't come within a 10 mile radius of me because I'll break your eardrums and love it. I wish I could play with Legos everyday until I was 87 years old. Don't get me drunk unless you're prepared handle the consequences. I get hurt every single day at least 3 times. I hate brushing my hair so I don't. The grossest thing on the entire face of the earth is when people eat more than one kind of animal on a sandwich...turkey and ham?? I will gag so fuck you. People who are shorter than 5'2" creep me out. I can't stand ignorance, lying, GUIDOS!, when people aren't funny, female athletes, ANY FOOD PRODUCT COMING FROM A PIG, racism, girls that take pride in being bitches, veal, going to class, bad eyebrows, LITTERING, animal cruelty, and when people sneeze more than 2 times in a row. Classic rock and Taco Bell are life. Come play with me at Kendrick unless you're a rapist. I love everyone :)Myspace Layout Stealer Pimp Myspace!!