At the moment, I'm pretty much down to meet anyone.
Bits of Tid:
This is the third time I'm changing this bits of tid... does that mean there's not that much about me that's important? Weird. There's really not much to say about me. I'm a disasterous friend if you just let me try and I always seem to complain too much. I reveal secrets so I wouldn't trust myself with something truly truly personal. Well, if it's life or death, I'll keep it to myself. Is it ok if I tell it to my reflection though? I have way too many ambitions and I don't think I'll ever pull through with any of my endeavors. I'm a terrible influence, so you should probably keep siblings and offspring away from me. I really don't have that much confidence and I become reliant on people too easily. I'm self-loathing and I prize my vocabulary more than I really should. I become annoying faster than you'd expect, and a lot of people find my intelligence overbearing. Oh yeah, I'm really fucking cocky, and I curse more than I really should be cursing. I have trouble holding back my tongue, so I'll probably be the first one to give you the blunt, honest truth, whether you want to hear it or not. I'm lazy and I procrastinate way too much for my own good. I fail to take people into consideration and I don't seem to go up and beyond with everything I do. My parents think I'm a failure despite my high grades, so they constantly compare me to other people. It's really shitty actually. I love my friends more than they'll ever really know, but I take them for granted even though I fear I'll lose them. I have separation anxiety. I might have ADD. Clinical depression is also a possibility. I dream bigger than my mind can handle. But I'm shockingly realistic. I talk about myself more than I have to. I laugh at inappropriate times for extended amounts. I talk during movies. I suck at flirting. I wear my emotions on my sleeves. I'm far too loud for my own good. Apologizing is difficult for me. Not because I think I'm right, but because I don't think my sympathy comes across too well. I'm distant and keep everyone far away from me because I fear people getting too close and seeing me for who I am and inevitably getting hurt from the chastizing glares. I doubt my abilities. I wear nice clothes so no one can actually look at me. I'm not sexy or handsome or whatever, but I will say I'm pretty cute. I've decided to just stay single and accept the circumstances I'm in. I'm irresponsible. If you think of anything else I should put in here, let me know.
"I saw something really ugly today..."
"When you meet someone and they ask you why you have a shovel, just explain that it's a safety precaution."