Music Movies Books Snowboarding Outdoors-hiking, ect.
Fun and interesting people. If we are talking about a girl well.... Someone who is smart, fun, interesting, a Christian, can make me laugh, is not afraid to go dancing or afraid of mine :P, would love to spend a weekend camping or just spend a day watching movies and hanging out, someone who is not full of themselves, and can get ready and not be ashamed of the way they look in under 10 minutes :P. The reason I'm learning ukulele :D
I like just about anything except for country, not a fan. I mainly listen to things like Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Amos Lee, and Jason Mraz....with a name like that how can you go wrong :P. Of course I have to mix it up with a little rock. The next song I must learn on the guitar!
Movies are my thing, I can always find time for a good comedy.
I don't watch much T.V. but I have been known to watch Heroes
I read Terry Goodkind, Steven King, Dan Brown, Michael Crichton, and yes even nerdy math and science books.