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Your children make it impossible to regret your past.

About Me

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Recently moved to Middle Georgia from the Seattle area. Big change but I like it. My kids are goin crazy cuz there is nothing to do but at least I don't have to drive them all over anymore. My husband works at an Air Force Base repairing C-130's. Much slower pace and he likes it. It's nice to be around nice people again. Almost got caught in our first tornado though, kinda freaked me out. I guess we'll see how much I like it when summer gets here and it gets hotter than hell. Things I hate: Arrogance, Lying, People who don't know when to shut up, Wet socks, People who don't close their mouth when they chew their food, Whining, Stubborness, Stupidity
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My sattelite radio is my best friendResonate Chamber

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The Color Purple, Lord of the Rings, Labrinth, Legend, Willow, Dune, The Fifth ElementSci-Fi, Action, Thriller, Medieval, Mushy love stories


Lost, Heroes, Jericho, CSI, Gilmore Girls, Days of our Lives, Medium, Without a Trace,


Terry Goodkind, Robert Jordan, Stephan King, Dean Koontz, David Eddings, Anne Rice Take the quiz:
How well do you really know the book, The Queen of the Damned?

You are a believer. You know Anne Rice novels inside and out, especially The Queen of the Damned, the third book in the Vampire Chronicles series. You know that many people just think they know what it was all about and the movie was a horrendous adaptation. You know your vampires, what the Story of Akasha was really all about. I commend you. Finally someone who knows more than who played 'that sexy dude who sung on stage'. Christ. It's not about the movies. The Books were better, and as far as we are concerned, Anne Rice is a goddess.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! Take the quiz:
Which Wheel of Time Character Are You?

You are Moiraine Damodred, An Aes Sedai of the blue ajah, born into the then reigning House of Cairhien, who vanished into a ter'angreal in Cairhien while battling Lanfear, apparently killing both herself and the Forsaken. Since she had already located the Dragn Reborn and killed the Forsaken Be'lal, she is already looked upon as one of those near mythical sisters who are held as legendary heros. She was also bonded with her Warder, Lan.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


A Mother's Love Patricia Ann Beck1947-1994
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