Sarah profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm just your average OC girl. I just graduated nursing school after many hard years. I have my life back now. WooHoo! I am now working in the Cardiac ICU (CCU) department at Hoag Hospital. I love spending time with my friends. Our favorite hang-out is Sharkeez for their bucket margaritas and our favorite night spot is Giant at the Vanguard. I love to entertain and make my friends laugh. Most of the time it's at my own expense, though. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

Working out (I'm a regular at 24 hour fitness), riding my beach cruiser with friends, Friday night sushi, and drinking a frosty cold beverage on a warm summer day.

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to be able to party with Ellen Degeneres. She's not only hilarious but she has some pretty great dance moves (for a white girl that is)


I love Deep Dish, Donald Glaude, Dean Coleman and Roger Sanchez. And of course Timberlake. Anything I can really shake my booty to.


Pretty Woman, Splash, Romancing the Stone, Something about Mary, 40 Year Old Virgin and Garden State. The new one is Knocked Up. Hilarious!!
Myspace Animations


I love medical shows.......Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs, House, Nip/Tuck. My other picks are Lost, L Word, and Prison Break (Wentworth Miller is sooo cute) I'm also into So you think you can dance. Those kids are awesome!! Wish I could learn all their moves!


My favorites are Gone with the Wind and Memoirs of a Geisha. And of course Critical Care for Dummies.


Still looking. I think the RN's who are in charge of training me are heroic. They know everything!!