Lemme clear my mind real quick.America stand up. "Boogs" is about to be a household name. I done did the Airbrush thing... "Boogs Wear Ink" (still in the money rotation), killin the scene with at the barbershop... "Boogs the Barber", still working at my payroll job, and looking into some great future endevours real soon. And im doing all of this while being a FULL TIME college student. MY LIFESTYLE IS THE DEFINITION OF "GRIND". Silly rabbits you wouldn't understand. What you know about standing in one spot cutting hair for 13hrs straight, then going to work after that for a 16hr shift, and doing that days on end. Real talk, y'all ni**as dont put in work, when life sneaks up on ya ass, and you suddenly dont know why you dont have any funds, dont say i didnt tell you so. Hustling ain't for everyone, just the lucky ones. there's no shame in making legal money. STEPS: Start at the bottom... be confident... GRIND... GRIND some more... a lil more GRINDIN... and in time you'll see how ya stocks just go up.
WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNIING: WARNING: WARNING:Unfortunately I gotta take time out to address the ungreatful and/or HATERS. What's really your issue. all the attention you giving to other people, you could've invested in yourself. Terrible, I know that's not how ya mother raised you!!! Better yet, ya moms name is "ENVY" and ya pops name is "CLUELESS", and ya parents had ya dumb envying clueless ass child.... YOU. That's why you hate and throw salt, now i get it. You're so busy being clueless, thanx to ya pops that, envying me and what's mine seems to be you're number one priority. I mean really, get a job, get a life. oh yeah, get a cock and swallow it. ALL OF IT....EVERY DROP!!!! It's only right for you to go suck on somebody elses' life,... since you suck at yours! Go figure.
At the end of the day I'm a young BLACK MAN... yes a MAN!!! A man who seeks to find all that he's capable of being/doing, while on a quest to stabilizing his financial future at an early age.So when you average/simple mined individuals lay in bed and recap on what your life is like, and who you keep close to you, along with all that bullshit with the rest of you silly problems and issues.... I'm still Boogs. You know, Boogs... that man with his dick penetrating a globe cuz im saying "FUCK THE WORLD" as a nut on all the haters. REAL TALK. Thanx for giving me that extra push of "confidence juice" that I REALLY DON'T NEED, but thank you anyways. I'll put it in the reserve tank i got, in case i run out of my own..... lol. Lastely, you can only trust yourself, so do what you gotta do, and make sure you take care of you. Nobody else will!!!
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