News and Updates
*CUP WEB gets a facial!
Cowboy Up’s webpage is scheduled for a long overdue update! A MASSIVE update is on its way!!! We’ll keep you posted!!!
Click Here for Cowboy-Up Productions.Com
*The End for Curbside Confessions is Near
Cowboy Up Productions is proud to announce that we are in the final phase of post production for Curbside Confessions. We are currently working hard with local and domestic-wide musicians on the film score and soundtrack. The music is amazing to say the very least!!!!!! More updates on this when CUP WEB is updated! =)
*Curbside's Trailer and Cherry Blossom to air on Library Channel
CUP is proud to announce that the trailer to Curbside Confessions will be playing on WYPL-18 on the program LTTM’S Film Fest during the month of April(LTTM = Last Train to Memphis). The schedule is as follows:
Sundays 12 midnight
Thursdays 2am and 10:30pm
Saturday 1:30am and 11pm
The show is an hour long and we have the honor of having our short film Cherry Blossom to air first. We encourage you to check it out, as well as Last Train to Memphis' here
Thanks Ken, of LTTM, for putting us on TV!!!!!