3rd Born Sun profile picture

3rd Born Sun

About Me

3rd Born Sun started out in autumn 2001 as a side project for guitarist Arroll Kelly with James Watt on drums, Gavin Rodger on vocals and Stewart Grassie on bass. To start of with, the band did not take themselves seriously as it was only meant for fun and something to do. The music style was more of an old metal style and did not sound fitting to the bands persona.
The band played gigs such as Bazfest and Revoltfest 2002. After playing for about a year, 3BS went through a dramatic change. The style completely changed and decided to take a more serious approach to the music scene and play music that felt best suited to there needs. The vocals changed from Gavin singing to a more growl based death metal approach, Arroll came in on backing vocals and the instruments were detuned for a heavier sound. 3BS then recorded a demo CD with all the new song written and went back to gigging.
The new sound was taken well when gigging but there was still something missing. A line up change came to place. Pete Lowden who had played in several bands along side 3BS replaced James Watt on drums in April 2003. Pete took to the stool with ease and was more than capable of filling in the spots that James couldn..t. Finally, the sound 3BS had been looking for was complete.
3BS were then offered gigs left right and centre, playing up to 6 gigs a month. To cope with this, the band recruited Dave Phillips as manager to organize gigs and help publicize the band through out the UK. This was short lived as Dave was coming up with several guitar riffs and would let the band hear these at practices. 3BS decided to audition Dave on second guitar to see how it would sound. The result was excellent. Dave then became second guitarist for the band and played his first gig with the band on Halloween night in the balcony bar, Dundee.
Since then, 3rd Born Sun have played and headlined a large number of gigs all over Scotland with bands from as far away as Germany. They have had songs played on radio stations, worked for and played at the Revolt festival. They have established a large fan base and are constantly in the studio, writing new material.

My Interests


Member Since: 24/01/2006
Band Website: www.3rdbornsun.co.uk
Band Members: Vocals: Gav Rodger, Guitar: Arroll Kelly, Guitar: Dave Philips, Bass: Stewart Grassie, Drums: Pete Lowden,
Sounds Like: Recently, we have been described as a cross between the bands Crowbar and Black Label Society
Record Label: Under discussion

My Blog

Reviewers Needed

We are currently looking to get as many reviews of our music as possible.   So if anyone is interested in writing a review for 3BS, please send us a message and we will try and arrange for a CD ...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 16:55:00 GMT

Ghandis Revenge

Uploaded an old song of ours (Ghandis Revenge), although we have not played it in about a year and a half.
Posted by on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 23:39:00 GMT

Necro Horse Attack

Just thought i'd post up the poem i came up with once while having a shit that was the original inspiration for the song title Necro Horse Attack! Equestrian armageddon, Brought by hooves of Jag, The...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:52:00 GMT

Tour Is Over!

Thats right folks our amazing world tour of dundee is over! The two dates left us obviously exhausted and requiring some to R+R!! Not!! Nah but seriously tho the two gigs were good for us and it was ...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Apr 2006 07:28:00 GMT

Were selling demos

We have been creating a load of Demo CD's to sell at upcoming gigs.   £3 for 16 Tracks       If you want one, just come speak to one of us at one of our gigs.  P.S.  We a...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 00:21:00 GMT

3BS? Myspace? Whatever next?!

Yup That's right we're up on Myspace now! Not quite sure what it's all about at the moment but i'm sure we'll get the hang of this technology at some point! Leave us a message & let us know what y...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 04:33:00 GMT