John Quincy Adams - “My history of the Jesuits is not elegantly written, but is supported by unquestionable authorities, is very particular and very horrible. Their restoration is indeed 'a step toward darkness,' cruelty, perfidy, despotism, death and I wish we were out of danger of bigotry and Jesuitism.â€
More overseeing
the burning of Tyndale Bibles --I been focusing alot more on my Youtube page as of late instead of my Myspace page. Also doing working more on videos than blogs. But do plan to write more again soon. Busy doing extensive research into defending Lincoln, and when I finish that up I will post a blog and a video.
If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. In a single state, if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.
-Federalist Papers #28
I Just found this video below today (may 15,2009). It talks about some of the fallacies of Zeitgeist. Talks about the New Age involvement in the Truth Movement.
I basically think the Vatican is the Illuminati. I don't think this video touches on that. Just thought I would throw that comment in.
Basically im playing for free or a little money now. I did have a commment about how i wasnt gonna play unless I liked the lineup and I got paid alot. I was frustrated at that time about some poorly promoted events which were also set up with some DJs that ruined the vibe. I thought the events could have went off alot better with people able to make money too. But after going out a few times, i just would like to see some true old school views really represented, that just arent. ANd i'm really excited about a set im working on and really want to play it. I have some really awsome sets. SOmeone, book me for something, house party or whatever and i'll bring a set with deep vibe. Honestly, it's some really good stuff i got. 11-17-08
Got a new video. This is a gospel set i recorded a while back. Just basically and idea of an abstract gospel set. And I have some text within it detailing my thoughts behind it. Its not polished, but i like it. Have such a hard time doing a perfect set alone.
description: This is more typical of a live set I would play. I try to have some deep concepts behind it.In this video I explain some of my thoughts and what i think as the set goes on. This is just a little slideshow. After the first few minutes, its pretty much same stuff repeated, with just a little something new thrown in at like the 9:50 mark.Plan on probably redoin this video a little deeper. But mainly just wanted to throw something a little more interesting than just one still picture and explain a little about what I am about.Kind of an old set. I may not be the most polished DJ, but i do get crowds dancing. And i have a good message.Realized i didnt quite get some of the lyrics i was quoting just right, but was trying to do it from memory. Should have taken the time to listen real quick again. But hopefully you get the basic idea.For Christ to forgive us of so much, it should really humble anyone who isnt perfect to be forgiving of others sins.
Sort of abstract, gospel house set
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August 14 -2007 - My page i think is a wreck. Just a series of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, questions, etc....
Constitution Party FAQ to find out what the political party I support believes in -
Aug 2 2007 - i think I fixed the problem I had with audio quality in the video.
July 30 2--7 - Well I have my DJ sets on Myspace Now.
Rise - Liquid Smooth - Better audio
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(april 25 2007)-For some reason my music is not playing on my page. I have one link posted in this profile, but will post more links so you can hear it or check to see if myspace has fixed the problem.
9-28-2007 -----I need to redo my whole page. If you want to know about me, basically, I'm a Christian. vegetarian, Anti-democrat and anti-republican (I believe the same people who also own the Federal Reserve) own both parties and create an illusion like they hate each other when in actuality they work for the same master toward the same goal, I'm totally against the trashy rave scene and am all about doing something cleaner and more uplifting and good for the soul, I never want to have sex again or kiss again till marriage cause i believe these are acts of marriage and I know if i ever do get married that by saving these acts for marriage that they will be that much more intense and please my wife alot more. I believe i could sleep around with 10 different "beautiful" (or so they may look to many people) girls a day not because im anything special but I understand how pathetic this world is and i want no part of it. So I dont take part in doing that sort of thing. And never have wanted part of it. I'm looking for other people that are really devoted to God and want to do things to shine light into this world, through music, politics, art or anything else.
The second friend on my friends list, Monica Dennington, I think she is one of the wisest people i know. I would strongly encourage anyone that wants to understand the christian faith to watch some of her videos.
If I could recommend twomore more sites, it would be or
Every moment of your life, you worship either God or the Devil. As people live, they are in a continuous mode of worship, it is just at the moment who they choose to worship.
If you want to hear a sample of my a decent set of mine go to this link:
Think my set should already be playing in this page.
here is a 9minute video about why the Federal Reserve is an evil PRIVATE OWNED (not government owned) Bank: (the best show discussing law and current topics) (Another site which dicusses various topics concerning the day with Audio files available. The real news.) (Some interesting interviews, especially the one with Corsi about the North American Union) (some great conspiracy videos and audio files) (this is a clip of Loose Change, one of the best 911 vids discussing the demolition of the WTC)
www. (info about upcoming events in Electronic Music)
People ask why I am on myspace or write all that I do. My main purpose of being here is to keep intouch with friends and things going on. Sometimes it is faster to read several emails than it is to try and access my voice mail. Also when I'm out, I don't really talk much. So I just wrote some thoughts on here so if people were curious about me, they had something to read. Mainly I go out dancing at clubs that are kind of loud. If the DJ is really good, I want to dance. And that is pretty much 90% of my social life. PLus writing is a release for me to help me not linger on a thought. There are alot of people that have seen me out for years and don't know anything hardly about me. So that's why I'm on here. People that try and say myspace is like a highschool yearbook or for teens are incredibly stupid. I think if you have alot of friends, it is very helpful. It has really helped me to keep in touch, know people more, and get back in touch with people. - july 10th 2006
my page is lame as hell. dont read it. Maybe not as lame as hell, but im unhappy. myspace hasnt saved anything i wrote in the last hours. I think i hit a new level of deepness and revelation and its gone. I probably wont rememeber. I dont remember hardly anything. Things that i thought were lame i felt i rounded out to a better understanding. I dont rewrite pages hardly. Normally I'll just add without deleting and if i do change my thoughts. And Im trying to leave dates now to see what day it was when i wrote what I wrote. - 5 13 06I think perscription drugs are more evil than street drugs. At least with street drugs, people get the sense that, "Hey this shouldn't be a daily thing." Anti-depressants, Anti-anxiety, Aderal, Methadone (dont remember how it is spelled) and all those other meds seem so evil to me. I guess if a respected member of society pats you on the back and tells you it's ok, then by golly, I guess it is. Doesn't matter if you abuse it or take the doc's recommended dosage, I still think the stuff is evil. You never come down off it. You always take it. You constantly escape reality. It's a daily state. The pain of poor decisions is never felt cause you have an unlimited perscription. And everyone is patting you on the back telling you its ok to take the crap daily.
I have a hard time figuring whether prozac, extasy, or any drug is bad or good. SO here is my simple take on the whole thing. The Bible says it isn't what goes into a man that defiles a man, but what comes out. So basically, if you view your actions under the Light of God, which is Truth, His Truth cause that's the only truth there is (that's why He is GOd after all) and no bad actions come out of you according to the WOrd of God, then I guess it is ok. I don't see the difference between street drugs and perscription drugs. Just make sure you aren't doing anything that is impairing your judgement, impairing your ability to do good, or helping you to make poor choices (watching crap on tv can do this also, among other things).
------------------------------It is easier for a heart to be dead than it is to beat.
Stillness is like death and that's why I dance.
I'm just trying to crawl out of the sewer of corrupt self and become something better.
General Info about me: I'm a vegetarian, only cause I hate hurting animals. I still crave the taste of meat, especially those little firecracker sausages that you get at gas stations. I hate the republican and democrat party and think they are one party that works in unison since both parties have members belonging to the CFR and Trilateral Comission. I'm a christian and believe the bible 100% and do believe the world is about 6000 years old. I have studied much science, history, and religions. I'm sort of a new Christian. I like to go out to raves, clubs, and stuff to go dancing. I don't believe in premarital sex or kissing before marriage. I been in the rave scene since it started, which I would say was 1987, basically when I was 13 and to my knowledge was one of the first people to ever say the word rave. ANd I can tell you the science fiction book where some of the idealogy originated from. I finally started DJing just cause their are certain records I really want to hear that no one plays out.
My ultimate goal is to write my own music and find a really good female vocalist to write with. I'm still working on getting the equipment i need but I pretty much have some music arrangements in mind.
I love all my friends and enemies and try to be kind to everyone.
And finally I am always looking for the best girl in the world for me to marry. And I'm really stupid about girls flirting with me. I can't understand if you are just being nice or if you realy like me or have a real interest. So if you do like me, feel on my arm and comment about what nice muscles i have or tell me i have nice arms. I have an IQ over 160, but I can still be an idiot.
Did you know the Trilateral Commison is one of the most powerful organziations in the world? Perhaps even more so than the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations.) Isn't it odd that elected officials in both the democrat and republican parties belong to these groups? Does anyone ever wonder if both parties are made to look like they are different, when in actuality both work in unison to bring about the same goals? When you vote Democrat or Replubican, it doesn't matter because chances are you are still voting for a CFR or a Trilateral Commision representative. So when you vote Democrat or Republican, you vote to keep the CFR and Trilateral Commision in office.Recently, i have noticed some people I know have removed themselves from my friends list. I hate to think what closed, narrowed minded idiots you are. Geez, someone with a thought different than yours is like throwing a cat in water to you. I have a pretty open mind. My mind is listed a bit openly on here. Doesn't mean just cause I'm on your friends list you agree with it. And it doesn't mean my thoughts are set in stone. It's just that, with what I know and understand NOW, this is CURRENTLY how I see things. I list it on here. And that's all. For you to freak out that bad cause I have a thought that is opposed to or different than yours or something new to you, you should really examine how flakey your thoughts and ideas are if they fall apart that easily. I have a pretty good list of friends on my friends list. All I can say is thanks for help showing me who is fake and who the real deal is. (apirl 2006)"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:20)."When I was a little boy, I dreamed of growing up to be a superhero.If you wonder what it is I do for a living, currently I load freight onto semi trucks. I'm sort of a skinny guy, and don't really feel cut out for it. Plus I work outside, and winters are horrible. Tears form in my eyes at 35 degrees. I really cant tolerate the cold. My job does offer transfers, but I don't know where I would like to move. SOmeplace warm. Hopefully i find a different line of work. But I am paid decently. How can one become great if one doesn't have the vision or the Light to see to see what great is?Why do Democrats and Republicans hate Third Parties? Because at least 90% of elected Democrats and Republicans belong to the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). The rest at least have ties to the CFR. They do not want competition cause they are ONE party. It is an illusion that they are two parties.No party should be allowed to have names on a ballot. If you don't know the name well enough to write it on a ballot, you sholdn't vote that person in office. How well can someone obviously know a canidate if they can't write the name on a ballot for the correct office?My dad doesn't know I exist. Should I look for him and let him know? My mom never told the guy she was pregnant with me.The definition of insanity = BELIEVING lies to be The Truth. If God is Truth, and a person doesn't believe in God, does that mean they are ............And if a person says "No one can really know who God is." does that mean no one can no what Truth (reality) is? If so, why be so quick to say someone that molests their kids is wrong?An interesting passage in the Bible says good has written his laws on the hearts of mankind. But there is always a possibility that the human heart and mind can become corrupt, therefore our ideas of right and wrong can become corrupt. SO since personal opinion can become corrupt, one must seek a source outside of themselves for verification. But if you have no source of Truth, then you have no source of truely verifying any thoughts you have. That is why I think the bible is important. I believe it is the inspired word of God, and it is the Light things should be held under for examination to see what is true. "Is what I am thinking good? Hmmm, let check with the bible (God's revelation to man) to see if what i am thinking is in line with what God sees as good." The whole world can think child molesters are good. The whole world can also have a corrupt heart and mind. You can use God's revealed truth, found in the Bible, to see if what the world thinks is good. Doesn't matter what you feel. You can feel real strongly that molesting children is good. The whole world can. The real question is how does God see it, cause however God sees it is how it really is, despite what the world thinks. One person can think child molestation is wrong. Just cause the other 5 billion people think its good, does not give their opinion any more weight. Without this light, all we can do is argue and war over personal opinion without any true justification."I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." -(John 14:6) Liars are lazy people. So much easier to lie about loving someone than it is to actually do anything loving. Lies are empty. So much easier to lie about doing something than actually do something. So much easier to lie about being a good person than to actually try and be a good person.I believe there is a true God, therefore a true right and wrong. I believe God defines what love is. Also by knowing the true God, you understand true right and wrong. SO if you love someone, you will truely do them right. And by knowing the True God, you can do what is truely right, thus love a person truely. There are instances where someone wants you to do a wrong, and they say if you do you love them. A child may not think something that is good that a parent does is good. It is better to let the Knowledge of God and His Truth light your path rather than the opinions of man. And ultimately you can feel better knowing you truely did good rather than humour someone's opinion. I think it is most important to put God first cause God is Love, and with the absence of love, what is anything truely worth?People should be wary if someone has a stalker. I have more questions about the Stalkee than the Stalker. In my experience, the person with a stalker is the psychotic one.The NEW Iraq Constitution:Section One: Fundamental Principles: Article 2: First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation: A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.Article 89: Second: The Federal Supreme Court shall be made up of number of judges, and experts in Islamic jurisprudence and law experts whose number, the method of their selection and the work of the court shall be determined by a law enacted by a two-third majority of the members of the Council of Representatives.----And this is suppose to stop Isalmic Terrorism. And this is Bush's idea of freedom? Guess Muslims will be freer, but no one else. Guess that's what bush wanted was to speend 200 billion dollars and have americans die so Iraqi Muslims could be freer.
This page started out as a big rant about an ex-fiance, changed to a "i would like to meet a girl theme", to developing into something that talks a bit about me more. It sort of goes all over the place. I deleted and added things here and there. hopefully it has a flow. I got some personal stuff here and some views about issues of the day. I question some of what I have on here, but decided to leave it on.
- A government of the masses.
- Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct expression.
- Results in mobocracy.
- Attitude toward property is communistic... negating property rights.
- Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it is based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences.
- Result is demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, [chaos]."James Madison warned: 'Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.Alexander F. Tyler stated: 'A Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess out of the treasury with the result that democracies always collapse over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a dictatorship.'Subsequent to declaring their independence from Britain, the American colonies established their own individual governments and, apparently caught up in the enthusiasm of independence, most of them incorporated ?democratic? standards for qualifying voters in their systems. According to some of the framers of the Constitution and to many 20th century historians, this act very nearly caused the political death of the newborn nation.Specifically, most of the colonies voted themselves all manner of benefits without any apparent reflection on the ramifications of their acts. As a result, the colonies as well as the confederation which later became The United States, was confronted with massive debts and zero funds with which to pay them off. The Americans had established no credit anywhere in the world and were teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. The fledgling nation was faced with the very real threat of being taken over by a European nation.This crisis, created by the financial and social irresponsibility of "democracy," is what compelled our Founding Fathers to gather for a series of debates we have since termed the Constitutional Convention. During those often heated and divisive debates, the inherent dangers and inevitable failures of democracy as a political system were argued at length.I don't know how well this profile will portray my personality or anything. Don't really know what im even trying to do with this MYSPACE. I would like to meet new people. Maybe find people of similar interests to hang out with. And if you are a girl who reads this and finds any interest in me, please don't be afraid to send me a message. I really think it is hard to find a decent girl. I'm not desperate, but I just very much want to find a girl to marry. And its hard to meet anyone in this day and age that is straight, christian, doesn't practice sex before marriage, doesn't think having a f--k friend is ok, and is willing to be the christian God wants them to be. My goal is be married by June of 2006 or propose to someone before the end of December. I think society has done its best to really confuse people to the point where they themselves don't know what they seek. So I can understand if someone reads my profile and goes "I'm not sure about that...." Heck, i might think a view of yours is a bit odd. We can still talk.My fun side probably doesn't come out much in this profile. But at least you get a sense of where i am at on some issues.I'm the type of person that understands people make mistakes, and that they are sometimes left with consequences from those mistakes. Like having herpes or something. If I date you, I don't want to know until several dates down the line. And it won't be a factor. But finding out you gave a friend of mine a blowjob is a good way to remove yourself from consideration. I know it can be depressing sometimes if you are in such a circumstance and there may be a temptation to do some act so you can feel wanted or feel sexy. ANd you may feel hopeless about having a relationship. But I believe Christ will provide, and you don't have to reduce yourself to such things. Whether you have been burned, or had some kind of accident that cause disfigurement, or have some disease, just know that there is hope. In Christ, all things are possible. And I know, if there was a girl that was really trying her best, and had a humble heart, and loved christ, and if she was kinda pretty (there has to be some physical attraction, for me at least), I think I could fall in love with her if, despite any kind of flaw she may not be able to help.ANd I'm not saying someone has to be a perfect christian to talk to me or for me to have any interest. As far as I know, there are no perfect christians and all have sinned. It just has to do with someone being a sincere, honest and humble person. And no matter where they are at now, for them to have a sincerity in seeking after God. Cause I think this is where true love is really found, in a relationship between two people in God.don't lose hope.I hate all false religions, especially budhism. Budhist countries have the highest rates of child prostitution, child sex rings, and child pornagraphy. You can walk the streets of some of these countries, like the ones that got hit by the tsunami, and find 5 year old boys saying "blow for five dollar (a friend who is a Budhist is the one who told me they saw that while visiting that country.)." That about brings tears to my eyes and deeply hurts my heart. ANd why are these countries that way? Budhists hate it when I simplify their religion, but they know this fact, that Budhism doesn't teach there is a right and wrong. There basically is no God in Budhism. There is no creator which designed things to be a certain way, therefore who is to say if something is wroking right?Let's say i design a vehicle, and it has wings, wheels and a engine. SOmeone comes up to me saying "That isnt working right, it doesnt fly." I would tell hem, because i am the creator, that i designed it to drive up and down the street, and it does just that, therefore it is working RIGHT, not wrong. Or let's say I notice the car I designed has smoke coming from the engine and is making a some sound I notice isn't right. SOme other people are dancing around it saying "hey this works great." Well I would say, I'm the designer and it is working wrong. It isn't suppose to do that.But if the car just happened to be put together by chance, and there was no design to it, I couldn't say if it was working right or wrong nor could anyone else.Without God to define what LOVE truely is, how can anyone say what it is? That's why some people get involved in some crazy relationships. They define what love is themselves, instead of God. So it's "hey, if you love mommy and daddy, you would want us to eat, so therefore go give some guy a blow for money even if you don't want to." Or a molester might say to a molestee, "a real woman would like this." Even if that poor girl is only 6.I recognize that there is a God, who has revealed His will in scripture. I don't look at the laws as being a restrictive thing, but rather a defining thing. A word without definition is meaningless. ANd to know God is to know Truth, and Truth is Light. LIght defines how things really are. ANd most people hide from God, cause they hide from Light cause they do not wish their deeds to truely be seen for what they are. They want to live in their own false reality or the false reality others paint for them.I have to say, once I came to know God who is LIGHT, i saw who really loved me and actually cared. I go by what Christ says, and I was shocked at the depths of evil in this world. SOme of the people I thought were so much better than me, i found out were some really bad people. I wonder how many people I will truely see in heaven.To say you don't need God to be moral, essentially reduces morals to personal opinion, rather then base morals on something higher than ourselves.I hate homosexuality cause it distorts the image of God. No life is ever created. And the fullnes of male and female is never realized. You can't love a person by encouraging them to sin. God is love. And there is also no sin found in God. I get tempted to do bad things too. Strong desires doesn't make something right. I may have a strong desire to have sex with a man. I may have a strong desire to murder someone. The thing is, God designed a woman specifically for a man. Not WOMEN. A woman. Not another man. But a woman. And that union between male and female, is also suppose to represent man's union to God and also be a picture of our relationship to Him and also to teach our children how to behave toward God by being a good example. A God inspired husband-wife relationship helps the children to understand the churches relationship to Jesus. Early on, young boys and girls learn about submission to God and how being submissive can be a good thing. ANd it is important for the husband to be a good man to his wife and children so that they may understand heathly relationships, spiritual relationsphip with God and the Human relationship with other people, and the type of love God has for them. And it helps give them ideas of how good God is.Just look at the design of the bodies to see who the creator is. Normally a woman would be a virgin until married. And when sex occurs, a virgin will bleed and that is also when the marriage is consumated. When Christ shed his blood on the cross, we were able to have a relationship with God. The woman is veiled. In the temple before Christ, the ark was veiled. A man takes a knee before marriage proposal. There is a reference to Christ in the bible that "every knee shall bow." But the man also takes on roles of christ too in the relationship. Once married, the woman is compared to the Church, and the man is compared to God. God designed both in His image. The woman was created to be submissive to the man. The man is suppose to be submissive in the same way to God. I think when a man is inspired to acts of chivalry, its sort of like the passion God has for His people. When children are born I think it helps the couple to understand God's love for mankind. And the mother is a very intregal part of the children's developement. This thought isnt coming out perfectly, but in general, i think a man-woman relationship helps a couple to understand alot about God and when you are in Christ together you can see alot of beautiful things cause everything finds its foundation in a relationship to God. I just think when both are in Christ, a hug can mean so much. Finding an amazing peace and joy in oneness. I don't know how i could ever begin to describe this. (probably will rewrite this or take this paragraph out.)Here is a page from a little booklet i got from my friend Gina of this guy having a conversation with Jesus while going through his house which i found enlightening: -
One day when we were in my bedroom he asked me about the picture next to my bed. "That's a picture of my girlfriend," I told him. Though I knew my relationship with my girlfriend was a good one, I felt funny talking to him about it. She and I were struggling with some issues and I didn't want to discuss them with him. I tried to change the subject.
But Jesus must have known what I was thinking. "You are beginning to question my teaching on sex, aren't you? That intercourse is only for those who are joined in the covenant of marriage? You're feeling that I may be asking something that is unnatural if not impossible for you. You're afraid my will on this will limit the full enjoyment of life and love. Isn't that true?" "Yes," I confessed.
"Then listen carefully to what I am saying," he continued. "I forbid adultery and premarital sex not because sex is bad but because it is good. Beyond the physical ecstasy it is a means of bonding two lives in a deepening love. It has the creative power to bring human life into being. Sex is powerful. Used properly sex has tremendous potential for good. Used improperly, it destroys the good. For this reason God intends it to be expressed only within the commitment of a loving life partnership. There is far more to love than just sex. ...................Rely on my strength to keep you from falling and to lead you into a relationship of love in marriage where two can truly become one in me." -
I have seen so many profiles on myspace that say "RELIGION: Christian" and as I read their profile, I seriously wonder about them. Yes the bible says "Believe in CHrist and yea shall be saved" but do you really believe in the Christ of the BIBLE or some other CHRIST? How can you openly promote having random sexual encounters, homosexuality, getting drunk, high, and all kinds of things and say you believe in CHrist? CHrist did say things such as that are wrong. SO if it is wrong to do those things, how can you feel good about doing such things? How can you continue in it? To believe Christ means to believe EVERYTHING He says. If you believe what you do is ok, to do those kind of perverse behaviors, then I don't think you truely believe Christ. It's one thing to struggle with obedience. I struggle myself. But it's another thing to deny what Christ said. ANd if you don't believe Christ, you will not be saved. My question to many of you who say you are christian is, do you truely believe what Christ says? You have to believe all, because if there is anything falseness in christ, he is not God and cannot save you. And if you don't believe what he says, then you call Christ a liar.I pretty much am disgusted by most churches I go to. I was talking with an older gentleman, and he was telling me how churches use to be a source of news about current events going on in the day. And this is my problem with churches. The pastors do not speak about what is going on. So afraid to touch certain issues cause they are so scared someone might leave or they might lose their "not for profit" status. Meanwhile, a "hate crime" bill has just gotten passed through the House and is now looking to pass the Senate and get signed into law by the President. Has any pastor brought this up? I visit a lot of churches and no one said their pastor has ever talked about it. It is a bill similar to what is in Canada. In Canada you cannot preach the gospel of Christ, cause in order to do so you have to admit there is such a thing as sin. And you can't call things sin (such as homosexuality) in Canada cause to do so is to preach HATE. And if you preach hate, you are guilty of commiting a "hate crime".Our sins contibute to most of the problems we have today. I don't think, if we all prayed to God at once, the whole world, prayed to the ONE TRUE GOD, that things like hurricane katrina would still happen. Or imagine, a kid in a wheelchair. DO you really think if we all prayed to the ONE TRUE GOD, the entire world prayed to the ONE TRUE GOD, that that kid would remain in a wheelchair? I think if all of us in this world truely poured out our hearts to Christ in true repentence and love for God and our fellow man, most of our problems would be solved. Just a thought I wonder about every once in a while. Just something i ponder and not saying it is biblically correct or not. I would like to someday put together some Christian Electronic Music dance events. Maybe in combination with some other live act. I interested in producing music again also. I feel like there aren't enough Christian events, and what few there are, are very boring and unimaginative. I'm just use to high flying breakdance, and electric liquid dancing. ANd I also think these events should have alot of information available. Why make it more difficult to be a christian than what it already is?I kind of use some of my Blogs to vent about my ex-fiance (and most of what some consider to be "sexist" views of in my profile, those views didn't really develope until after the split. I actually wonder if I had this perspective i do now, if things would've been better. And she may even at first glance say "oh, i'm definately glad I got away." But I feel like these views would've saved our relationship, if their was any true hope of having a worthwhile relationship with her, which I highly doubt now that there ever was.) I'm the type of person to blame everything on myself if I find one mistake I did or something I could've done better no matter if the other person did a world of wrongs. ANd this just helps me. I have a blog with letters I wrote to her (which i don't think she ever read) and letters she wrote to me that pretty much spells out the whole situation. I do this partly so if someone asked what ever happened to my fiance, I can just refer them to my blog. Plus this helps me to just write everything out so hopefully my brain can just forget about it.If you want to know more about me, read my About Me BLOG. You can also reach me through AOL at [email protected] ---- Feel free to Instant Message me if you want or write an e-mail. I'm pretty easy going and laid back. you cn message me even if you don't know what to say. I will dmit though that I don't think my MYSPACE page is that great. I don't expect many people to ever read it.I love cats and think they are the best animals. I'm the type of guy that opens car doors for a girl, and will even run when I get out of the car just to open her side. I'm old fashioned but creative. I sometimes tend to stress myself out trying so hard. I think I'm very caring, gentle and kind. I sacrifice more of myself for people than they know. I may have the tendency to be used by people and ran over by them. Most of society to me is disgusting. I'm artistic, but currently that side of me is hidden and undeveloped. I use to be more outward with it. Seeing some of my friend's pages on here though has kinda been inspiring. I'm a good musician when I have the right stuff to work with and can be creative with limited equipment. Right now though, I tend to just get frustrated cause what I have, is not what I need to do what I would like. I'm trying to develope my artistic side again. I'm extremely athletic and love to dance. I'll probably wind up deleting everything I wrote on here. I'm just writing a bunch of stuff. Might just throw this all in a blog and redo this page. And if I seem to go all over the place, it is because I decided to just add things in different spots and havent really checked to see if it all flows together.Well, I'm a vegetarian (mainly cause I hate to hurt animals, even though i love the taste of meat.) I don't believe in premarital sex or even kissing before marriage. I believe these to be sacred acts of bonding. I have crossed that line before, but have no intension of crossing that line again. I don't feel like I ever liked it when I did cross that line, it was more of trying to make the other person feel good. Personally, especially once I got saved 5 years ago, i didn't want to cross any of those lines till marriage. I do have a very high drive, but I'm determined to wait. And as much as women may dog on men, women are worse. I would kill to find a girl that was girly and actually into romance. Girls may complain about guys being too much into physical touch, but if you tell them you don't want to kiss or have sex till marriage, they will leave you. Personally, i dont need to try before I buy. i think if a person really loves me, the most akward kiss from them will be better than the most polished kiss from anyone else. I truely believe in marrying only once in life. And if that person is gone, i'm not remarrying. And if they become serverely injured or something else happens to them, I'll be the one begging to always be by their side, even to wipe their ass if they can't. I truely believe in "better or for worse."While I may open doors for a woman, walk across a parking lot when it is freezing and drive the car back to the door of a building to keep her from getting cold, throwing a good jacket down in a mud puddle to keep her from getting the slightest bit dirty, etc.... I do believe there is more to being a man, especially a "good man" than that. God deals with mankind through covenants. Each covenant institution has its respective duties, but we must first understand that the covenanted institutions of church and civil society are made up of covenanted family units.
Each family has certain assigned duties within its own sphere: education, health care, provision of food, etc. But together families also contribute a molecular strength in the makeup of the two other trans-family governments: the church and the civil order. Because of the crisis of masculinity in the home, that representation is not being offered by our households, and if it were offered, it would be received by our civil order only with laughter, and by an ignorant theological indignation in our churches. In short, we all, from top to bottom, are in high rebellion against God's design for family and culture. We in the church like to disguise that rebellion by talking about family values which amounts, as far as I can tell, to a vibrant desire for more G-rated movies but we never talk about familial representation in the church, or familial authority in the civil realm.
(somehow the rest of this got cut on Myspace)