About me???
I can be a sweetheart, geek, party animal, freak, working woman or even a witch It's just depends on which side of me you looking at
But the way I see myself... I'm just an ordianary girl that acting stupid sometimes
I'm originally from Bangkok, Thailand...so, basically I have 2 life...23 years in Bangkok and now in Boston
I don't have that much friends ...no I'm not stuck up ...but I just don't know how to talk to people first..those people on my top friend they know my nature ...how random as hell I am and they know the way lost in touch from them sometimes...( not a good look -*- )
Back in the old day...I use to hangout at the beach a lot...and I also hit the club with my bitches way to much too
right now...I'm still learning...growing up...and I try to be the best woman I can...for those people I love and still believe in me
Go HoME!!! †
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My Life in Boston
October 2006 - Present