SouperAsH profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

A word to all MySpace strippers and webcam girls....: *******I'M-NOT-INTERESTED!! REALLY!! I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND!!
***You Are An ISTP***The MechanicYou are calm and collected, even in the most difficult of situations. A person of action and self-direction, you love being independent. To outsiders you seem impulsive, surprising, and unpredictable. You are good at understanding how all things work, except for people.You would make an excellent pilot, forensic pathologist, or athlete.What's Your Personality Type? ============================================================ =
I'm one of those nice guys. Forgiving to a fault, I give and give and usually feel pretty good about it. I am a problem-solver too. It helps to satisfy my hero complex. Sure, you're thinking "HERO complex?! What a LOSER!!", until I lend YOU a helping hand and make it look easy, AND look pretty good doing it. Now fuck off, because you're clearly too cool to need my help.==================================================== ========================================================= I work in show production. I set up and dismantle concerts and other special events. I've been doing it for over twelve years, mostly in my local area, though I have been on a handful of tours. If you've heard a tour-tale, it is likely true, no matter how incredible it may seem. ========================================================= ========================================================= I love eating. Yah, one of those lean wiry guys that eats like a horse and never gets fat for it. Maybe that makes me lucky, but I think it has more to do with the fact that I am active and that I have a good diet. Cause and effect, right? (Eat alot and be lazy, you get fat. Stay active and eat alot, you stay healthy.) Its my eating habit that has kept me from being a weathy man. "I'd like sixty-five pieces of sashimi to start, please." =========================================================== =========================================================== =========================================================== I fuss over spelling and the use of correct grammar. I am annoyed by the fact that people who were born, raised, and educated in this country cannot correctly speak or write their own language. Okay, I'm a square, now fuck off.============================================== =========================================================== Most people on this site are either chasing a shag or the new love of their life. I'm pursuing neither of these. I just like meeting cool new people with groovy ideas and perspectives on life and living. I've come to also realize that there really is no way for a man to approach a woman online without coming off like a creep. I've tried nice, I've tried cool and have tried direct. Its no fucking good, whatever the intent! To resort to internet interaction means that you obviously can't make it in the real world, so you must be a creep, right? Well, there is usually more to the story, isn't there?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Myself twenty years from now, the founding fathers of this country, Albert Einstein, Alton Brown? I dunno. I've met a few famous folks, and in many cases, they are just people like you and me.

My Blog

Absolutely Hilarious Bathroom Mirror Prank Twins make the best pranksters..
Posted by on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 09:47:00 GMT

Pretty cool. I'm worth $2,499,272!!" title="How much am I worth?">I am worth $2,499,272 on HumanForSale.com" title="How much are you worth?">How much are you worth?    &nb...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 16:06:00 GMT

It seems I'm not the only one with Allstate problems..

       Two months ago my truck was hit by a Mercedes in a parking lot. The passenger side of the truck was banged up and there were scuffs and scratches along the side of the bed. ...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 22:26:00 GMT

Heard any good jokes lately?

Lets hear em folks! Classics, blonde jokes, icky-sicky, goofy,... whatever! Tell me something to make me laugh! I can never remember any jokes I read except this one..    A blonde answe...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 13:23:00 GMT

Strippers!! They won't leave me alone!!

  Okay, women, men, chicks, dudes.. WHAT THE FUK is it about me that brings all the myspace strippers out of the woodwork trying to be my friend?! Sometimes, I get hit with twenty at a time!! &nb...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 08:42:00 GMT

Do your friggin best! ALWAYS!!!

         Here I sit again, spouting off to the world just because I was in the mood..       The last thing I want to do is tell everyone what is ...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 15:05:00 GMT

So many opinions, so many assholes...

        People tell me how much they hate cops, judges, congressmen, the DMV and other established authorities. In some cases, I can agree a little bit, but for the most part, I th...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 14:31:00 GMT

Waking up to a dream

   First off, I'd like to know how in the wide world of sports the word "BLOG" became accepted as a term for written expression. Equal in scripted elegance might be something like "written e...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 17:25:00 GMT