DON profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I moved here from Chicago 4 Years ago I love the weather in Vegas dislike the food here. I don't have many friends here. I have a Girl friend I love her to death but she has alot of Family Drama. I try to stay Neutral when it pops up. Im well spoken I was married for eight years have no kids but have been told Im good with kids. I like animals I have a few Ive adopted some and some have adopted me I have a Parrot, Dog and a few dozen Gold fish in a Pond. I like Tattoos I Don't Smoke or drink Alcohol or use Illegal Drugs.Im Proud.

My Interests

I like alot of activities. I like Swimming I like target Shooting I enjoy cooking singing kereoke.

I'd like to meet:

Any one who Doesn't use Drugs and has strong priorities of right and wrong. I like people who are Spiritual.Have a good sense of Humor. Someone who doesn't use guilt trips to get there way. People who don't want to barrow Money.People who are responsible.I like People who work hard. I Dispise people who only take. I don't like Selfish people. I don't like flakie People if you say your going to be there be there.Positive people there is way to much negetivity out there.




BoonDock SAINTS, LAST SAMURAI,Ghost Dog,Beyond the law Charlie sheen,




THE 48 LAWS OF POWER, THE THREE MUSKETEERS,Book of the Five rings, Striking Thoughts by Bruce Lee,A Goombas guide to life, I read alot of books Im two kinds of smarts book and street.


Law Enforcement/ They do so much they see the worst life offers some times by peoples bad choices. But they put there uniform on shine there badge put there rig belt on and head out. Not knowing what the neighborhood has in store for there shift ahead. All for the Love of truth and justice for right and wrong. All for the people of there town so they may have peace.

My Blog

My Girl

Is caring about someone wrong? Why is my caring coming out as controling to the person I care about? If you saw something wrong in someones you care abouts life would you tell them Its wrong. Like for...
Posted by DON on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 02:12:00 PST

Girl friend

My One Why I Love My One By Don Have you ever hugged someone and felt like you were in that persons body like your soul is entwined this is a story of that One My One. I met My One at a Wal-Mart...
Posted by DON on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 02:53:00 PST

You don't Know what its like

You say I don't know what its like to have kids. Youve said you wish I had kids so I would know what its like to have kids. I know if I had kids I would do every bit to keep them away from Drugs. Eve...
Posted by DON on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 05:19:00 PST


You say you Love your Chicks Mother hen. Then why let them hang with Wolves? Mother shepard you are suposed to protect your flock from those that would do them harm. You let them hang with the&nb...
Posted by DON on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 04:40:00 PST

How Much Drama

How much Drama does one have to take in there life before they say Im Done Dramas over. How much pain has to be felt How much are you willing to lose for Drama. All it takes is a NO More Thats it Game...
Posted by DON on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 04:27:00 PST


So im searching Searching for an old flame of a spark i once new I sit alone thinking of you. Am I searching seeking looking but not finding what im lookng for where is what I seek I fade back into a...
Posted by DON on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 12:30:00 PST


I am ONE and who am I ?
Posted by DON on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 11:54:00 PST