Summer LOVE profile picture

Summer LOVE

The love that lasts longest is the love that is never returned... a hr

About Me

Lets see a little about me...what can I say, but that I am a truly happy person. I love my family tremendously and they mean the world to me. My friends are the most precious gift...they are rare treasures, and I am blessed to have the friends that I have. I love to laugh and enjoy the smallest things in life. My family considers me the life of the party (well that's what I think) Anyhow, Im here on myspace to reconnect with friends, keep in touch with family, and make new friends in the process...and of course to show off the beautiful nieces that I have. No nephews (yet). I am the world's best auntie (so I've been told). I have a wonderful job that I absolutely love, it keeps me busy and on my toes! It allows me to work with adults and students keep me sane and grounded! I enjoy many things...reading, writing, coffee (STARBUCKS), music, and just about anything! And I can't forget...I LOVE MANA!!!!!

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I like to spend time with my family and friends. I enjoy a great cup of Cafe Americano at STARBUCKS, watching a great movie, touring an awesome museum, or just having a blast with my BELLATINA...she's my SWEETHEART!!!!Kissing Malibu the goat...My sister and baby BEAUTIFUL they are!
Your Vocabulary Score: B+
You have a zealous love for the English language, and many find your vocabulary edifying.
Don't fret that you didn't get every word right, your vocabulary can be easily ameliorated! How's Your Vocabulary?

I'd like to meet:

“La felicidad es tener una familia grande, amorosa, cariñosa, y unida en otra ciudad.”These are some of the places I will be visiting very soon...CAN'T WAIT!!!!!Las PRIMAS FASHION...Getting ready to ride "La Banana Asesina"Now we're ready!!!And off we go...We most definitely had a BEACH PARRRRTAY!!!!My uncles beautiful's a family heirloome!!!


En diversas ocasiones, se ha mencionado que la familia, es el núcleo de la sociedad. Definición, que para muchos, es la más exacta e idónea para clarificar, no sólo lo que es la familia, sino su importancia dentro de la comunidad. Esto se debe, ya que la familia, forma a quienes actuarán en el futuro, dentro de la sociedad. Cada padre y madre, forman a los hombres y mujeres del futuro. Aquellos que tomarán, en algún momento, las riendas del país. Por lo mismo, es de suma importancia, el hecho que las familias están bien constituidas. Para que sus hijos, se puedan formar en un ambiente acogedor y amoroso. Con ello, aprenderá, no sólo a comportarse en sociedad, sino que repetirá la misma experiencia con su señora e hijos. De la misma manera con las mujeres. Es por lo mismo, que se dice que el hombre y la mujer, no sólo se unen para preservar la raza humana. Su trabajo es mucho más complejo que aquello. Situación, que en la realidad, no requiere de mucho esfuerzo. Lo difícil, es crear una familia. Crear el ambiente propicio para que los hijos, crezcan y sean hombres y mujeres de bien. Para ciertas personas, la familia puede ser considerada, perfectamente, como u ente vivo. Incluso se dice, que la familia es como una célula, dentro de un organismo mayor, que es la sociedad. Por lo mismo, al ser considerada, como una célula, esta debe ser cuidada. Y esta célula, contiene un núcleo, que son los padres. Por lo mismo, es que la relación que mantengan los dos padres entre ellos, será crucial, para la sobrevivencia de la familia. Es claro que cualquier quiebre matrimonial, perjudica enormemente la relación de la familia. Esta, en pocas palabras, se quiebra. Ya no seguirá siendo la misma. Pero la obligación de aquellos padres separados, no termina con su ruptura. Su amor y cuidado, asimismo como la formación de los hijos, no termina ahí. Ya que ellos continuarán necesitando de ambos, para transformarse en personal integrales. Prioridad número uno, de todos los padres de familia, para con sus hijos. Por otra parte, la familia, es la base para que todo ser humano, se pueda integrar de manera correcta a la sociedad. Por lo mismo, es que sus integrantes menores, deben ver los aspectos positivos de su familia, para potenciarlos en un futuro cercano. Asimismo, los aspectos negativos, deben ser estudiados y anotados, para que ellos no los vuelvan a repetir. En el fondo, a la familia, se le considera la escuela primaria, frente a los desafíos sociales, de los hijos. Es en la familia, donde el ser humano, aprenderá lo que son los afectos y valores. De que manera hay que manejarlos y que es lo correcto a realizar y lo que no. La formación valórica de la familia, es irremplazable. Aquello no lo aprenderá en el colegio o la universidad. Sólo en su familia. Núcleo de amor, afecto y comprensión. Al igual, que escuela primordial de los valores y virtudes a seguir.My family is the most important part of my life...I am so lucky to be part of such an amazing family...we value our heritage so much, and we truly have been blessed by God. We have a family that is so united, and UNLIKE NO OTHER...La Familia Santillan Orozco is by far a force to be reckon with. The bonds that hold us together are built on such a strong foundation, that WE will NEVER fall apart! I love my family sooooooooooo very much, and though thousands of miles separate many of us, we are as close as next door!


Chick Flicks...adventure, documentaies, scary, suspense, drama, well just about anything...oh yea and comedy of course! I also LOVE tim burton movies especially Nightmare Before Christmas....


CSI Miami, Bones, La Fea Mas Bella, INTERVENTION...
You are Bettie Page
Girl next door with a wild streak
You're a famous beauty - with unique look
And the people like you are cultish about it What Famous Pinup Are You?


Anything...I LOVE to Read!!! Reading keeps your mind alive...Im reading The OUTSIDERS, HATCHET, and NUMBER THE STARS with my students and I SAILED WITH MAGELLAN...
You Are A Romantic
You live your life like a fairy tale... or at least you try to.
Living for magical moments, you believe there's only one true love for you.
Love is the most important thing in your life, and you don't take it for granted.
Your perfect match loves to be in love as much as you do! Are You Romantic or Realistic?


Mis padres...como ellos no hay dos...

My Blog


So today was our first session with the infamous Adriana Es-Cabrona...and she really is!!!And so I promised my girls that I would blog or keep an online journal of our experiences as we journey throug...
Posted by Summer LOVE on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 10:27:00 PST

A story of deceit, lies, and DRAMA

I've been contemplating writing a short story and well I've decided to finally do it!!  I've heard that sometimes, not always, personal experiences will make for a better story line, and so I thi...
Posted by Summer LOVE on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 12:47:00 PST


I am so blessed to have the friends that I have.  I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your friendship.  Many of you have been at my side for 20 years and some for a year, but all of you have ...
Posted by Summer LOVE on Tue, 13 May 2008 09:43:00 PST


work, work, some point the line between work and home crosses over...well, at least when you love what you do, it's hard to see the defining line...and it's hard to put work aside and have ...
Posted by Summer LOVE on Tue, 06 May 2008 04:40:00 PST

Keeping focused....

i can 't believe how long it is taking me to get started with my work...sometimes being at home is the biggest distraction when you are trying to get work accomplished...lets see t.v., the comput...
Posted by Summer LOVE on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 06:37:00 PST

Taking risks...

if you were given an opportunity or a chance to do something that involved many risks...would you do it???i just read an article and it post that question to its you may ask, "well what ...
Posted by Summer LOVE on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:59:00 PST


for all those that wondered why i felt it may understand or you may not...but here is my explanation... fist of all, what does "betray" mean...whenever i "claim" to feel a c...
Posted by Summer LOVE on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:08:00 PST


so a couple months ago i posted a blog on the following..."life, taking chances, and whether its worth taking or not those chances..." this point after the choices i’ve made some of tho...
Posted by Summer LOVE on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 01:22:00 PST


it's been awhile since i've posted a blog.. as george lopez put puro chisme...chisme or not, it's a way to let the world know how you're feeling...right?i can't beleive it's 2008...WOW!!! wher...
Posted by Summer LOVE on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 06:07:00 PST

Just because

hello friends and has been awhile since i've written a blog, and so today on a chilly friday night i decided it was the perfect evening.  i have been so busy these last few months...m...
Posted by Summer LOVE on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 11:05:00 PST