Michel profile picture



About Me

Rocky Point 2006I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)

My Interests

My Feo!!!

I'd like to meet:

Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo Summer 2007AcapulcoChichen Itza 2007Cancun 2007Cuernavaca Summer 2005I'd like to meet people from around the world. I'd like to travel and travel and travel.


..I studied abroad in UC Siena, Italy Fall 2002. I also visited London and Paris.SIENA, ITALIA


Legends of the Fall, Saturday Night Fever, Men of Honor, Titanic, Grease, 40 Day 40 Nights...Based on real stories movies (Pearl Harbor, Men of Honor, etc). Pedro Infante movies, my brother always made us watch them. "La mochila azul" best childhood movie. I'll add more when I remember the movies I like.


I'm a Friends and That 70s Show fan. America's Next To Model. I also enjoy watching Novelas.


My heroe is my brother who raised me. My mother who has guided me throughout my whole life.... My sister Yady....who has accomplished a lot and still has more to accomplish.