Philosophy, psychology, the human condition. Those, and anime, computers, debate, warping perspectives using my powers of persuasion and subterfuge to engineer individuals against one-another. I also like taking long walks around town to clear my mind.
I'd like to meet the standard fair. Jesus (whom I have now met over MySpace!), Bhudda, Allah, Einstein, Janeane Garofalo. I'd like to talk with the people who own Target and Costco some day just to ask them how they did it and what their true intentions are aside from prophit margin. Yes, one invests in charity and the other in its employees, but I'd rather find out exactly what they're trying to pull off behind all of the propaganda. I have a creeping suspician that they may be manufacturing weapons of mass destruction.
And with that, I give you Mariah Carey. Why? My favorite love song. A love song because I didn't happen to run across any of my favorite metal bands when I was browsing.
I listen to everything. That is, so long as blue-grass and slow jazz are not included in the catagory of 'everything.'
This is a difficult topic because I've seen too many to seperate the memories into titles. A few of my present favorites are 40 Year Old Virgin, The Butterfly Effect, Crash, Lawrence of Arabia, West Side Story, the most recent King Kong, Spiderman 2, Heat, Mystic River, Chasing Amy, and uh... for flavor let's just throw in Jackie Brown. Pulp Fiction is up there too. Actually I have too many favorites to remember all in one sitting, but you get the jist of it.
Anymore, I watch about twenty minutes of TV once a month. I have the internet, and no TV in this apartment is hooked up to the cable line. When access is available I tend to spend my time on Comedy Central, more specifically the Daily Show. I'm a fan of the first one and a half seasons of Family Guy (the rest seems recycled), South Park's up there, and then Chappelle's show. I enjoy the humor.
I don't read much at all. I never have... no particular reason in mind. Perhaps if it were more encouraged when I was young I'd have taken a liking to it, but as it is, I feel uncomfortable sitting and reading anything, even if I enjoy it thoroughly. Makes me feel restless.
I was always partial to Nightcrawler from X-men. I suppose if it had to be human I idolize my cousin Tyler, from whom I have stolen all of my charisma and charm, along with a dash of my philosophy. Also Megaman.