Couches on Fire is a blog that has been covering music in Morgantown since last August. Come and read about upcoming shows, local albums and demos, show reviews as well as news and discussion about anything related. Just go to .
With shows happening all around town at locations like 123 Pleasant Street, the Rosewood Theatre, Fuel, the Corner Cafe, the WV Brewing Company and WVU's Up All Night at the Mountainlair some of which don't have websites listing upcoming shows, the only sure way to know about what's going on is to check us out. We'll also be covering the shows we make it out to and previewing some appearances by out of town bands that you might like. We also have tons of links to local bands, venues and dance nights.
If you're in a band, contact us with any future dates and we'll help you get the word out. If you're an aspiring musician or have positions to fill in your band, check out our bulletin board and put up a listing. Or just rant or join in a discussion if you have an opinion.
Our bloggers:Jeremy Groghan and J. Marinelli , former Morgantown Noize columnists for Grafitti
Patrick Dolan who also writes for the Daily Athenaeum
plus Brian Pennington , Aaron Hawley and Dylan Balliett
Please contact is if you're interested in contributing in any way.