Dan profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

About me...hmmmm.... well I'm tall, very handsome, smart and athletic. I'm adventurous, daring and brave. In fact, I love to run with scissors! I light up any room I enter...if I can find the switch...and I have a really great sense of humor. Seriously, I think I have a decent sense of humor, hence, the BS description I just gave :)

My Interests

My main interests are either playing or listening to music. I play in a band and although we don't gig as much as we used to, we still have at least a dozen gigs a year.My musical tastes are pretty wide. I love the Beatles. I really like Neil Young, a lot of different blues performers, old Peter Green era Fleetwood Mac, and more obscure artists like Alex Chilton, with and without Big Star. I could go on and on and still leave something out.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people with similar interests, particularly music and musicians. Also, I like keeping in touch with friends, both from the present, and those from days gone by.


Blues, Beatles, Big Star, Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac, Jimi Hendix and, believe it or not, a lot of newer stuff.


As far as movies go, I like all kinds of them. I like comedies, dramas and action type things. I am a big fan of Quentin Tarentino movies, like the two Kill Bills and Pulp Fiction.


Currently, I mainly watch historical and current event type things (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, etc). I still enjoy watching Seinfeld reruns and even South Park now and then.


I haven't read any novels or fiction in a very long while. When I do read, it's usually regarding music or the technical aspects of musical equipment. I also like historical books.