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***BesT FrIends Are AwaRe Of How StupId You Are, But StiLL ChooSe TO Be [SeeN WiTh You In PUBliC]***...well I'm ElianA ANd I ThiNk I CaN Just TEll U tHe BasiCS...Im nOt whAt yOu ExPecT...Im diffrent then any girl youll ever meet.I AM ME. nothing more. nothing less. i get along with most people i meet =D I'm OutGoin N Love chillen, i drink occassionally..yeah RiGht
I am not fake, nor will I ever be. Everyone is self conscious about something whether it shows or not. I do not get jealous a really nice person, if you do something messed up to me then ill be a bitch to you,
SoME PEopLE say I am a bitch others say I could not be a better person, I am sure you will form your own opinion whether you know me or not.
If I have a problem with anything it will be obvious, I do not live to please other people. No means no, and yes means ask again to ma if your a crazy creep that is going to "fall in love" within a week then i dont wanna meet you ,so do me a FaVOr AnD Don'T MEssaGE ME PLeASe...
i 3 you
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
~The little imperfections are what make people special. If everyone was perfect the world would be so boring, variety is what makes life interesting~