People from Boston (my favorite city). People with bikes. People who drink beer. People who will take shots with me. People who love animals. People who will party with me all night long. People who will put up with me. People who love music, movies and getting away. People who appreciate doing absolutely nothing. People who will sing songs at the top of their lungs. People who actually leave messages when they call. People who will dance with me. People who spin. People who can teach me things; learning is fun. People who will surprise me. People who love sports as much as me. People who appreciate competition (aka Yankees fans). Guys who have cats. Girls who like to get dolled up for no apparent reason. People to go shoe shopping with me. Guys who don't realize how cute they are. Girls who don't boast about how cute they know they are. People who use "I" and "me" correctly. People who know the difference between stubborn and strong-willed. People who will love me for who I am. People who will let me teach them a thing or two. People who have fun.