Barbara profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Ok, it took me long enough to finally sit down and write something in........ I was born in DR, came here when I was 6 and lived in Washington Heights ever since(except for 2 1/2 yrs in Cali).Here is what I love: Rob, laughing until I cry, being silly, spending time with my wacky family and friends, going to Cali to visit my Sis and her beautiful family, dancing (even when I don't have a dance partner), my dog Maxx, my job (most of the time), driving, reading, The Yankees, coffee, the summer,being surprised, and realizing that I am loved........ alright that's enough.Here is what I don't love: the subway (seriously, people that I don't know DO NOT need to be that close to me!) people that walk too slow in front of me and hog up the whole sidewalk, waiting, being woken up because people are being too loud when it is time to SLEEP (you do not want to meet Garbara), and not being appreciated.....ok I don't want my list for bad things to be longer than the things I love, so I'm finished......for now ; )..