♥ashley marie♥ profile picture

♥ashley marie♥

Heaven's not a place where you go when you die, it's a moment in life you actually feel alive..

About Me

My name is Ashley , i just moved to Charleston , Illinois...I'm super happy to be away from all the drama. I am a junior at Eastern Illinois University where I am majoring in Spcial Education and Elementary Education. I just joined my soritiy Alpha Sigma Tau ...I love my house and my girls!!!! I'm really looking foward to this year...it should be interesting!!!So, Erin told me to make a list of all the things I love, here it goes: I love white belts, meeting new people, going for long walks around town, my love Oliver , lipgloss, skipping class , Thursday movie nights, shopping-when I have the money,Melissa Ann, skittles!, playing in the snow, heels-shoes in general, Chuck-town, Alpha Sigma Tau-Beta Zeta's, cuddling, taking pictures, jewlery, pem, drunken nights in Carbondale, my family, Bradley Thomas, driving around aimlessly with Erin and Christina, GIRLS NIGHTS, roc's, homecoming, new years eve, watching endless episodes of sex and the city or weeds, the smell of rain, my phone, SSMH meetings, M.C. Escher, the zoo, pillows, EIU, passbacks, music, halloween, pajamas, inside jokes, late night trips to wal-mart, erbear, kisses on the forehead, hoodies, makeup, themed parties, getting dressed up, dancing, fatty mcfat fat, ribbons, anything PINK!, living alone, KTP, cosmo, hey band, it's the weekend, how do you feel?, new toothbrushes, my tattoo, brendens, will ferrell, ph 1 east, boys who smell good, weddings, my rmc crew, never taking my contancts out, painting my nails, getting my hair cut or dyed, l & o, sleeping, wheeler, Delilah, summer sisters, blankets, chuck taylors, going to concerts-warped tour, drunk bear, rise against, queen, shot glasses, my REAL friends, sunglasses, orbit gum, Kandinsky, gap jeans, nip/tuck, tanning, stl cardinals, iron age, being sarcastic, mcr, collecting/stealing lighters, purses-especially my coach one, fountain sodas, picture frames, text messages, old main, late night at Thomas, piercings, nick @ night, being random, cody, doing things i shouldn't, max, getting paddles, random trips to Matton, my Stevenson boys, shooting stars, spending other peoples money, getting/reciving random phone calls, my eye lash curler, gidget, coloring, reading-when i have the time, cleo, jen, kissing, cold fall nights, haunted houses, seeing people i haven't seen in a while, 4th street, panic!, getting mail, going out and having a good time...
I dislike liars , cheaters, drama , laundry, driving for 2 1/2 hours by myself, spending money on gas, wet hair, feet, when people say they'll call you and don't, peterson-non western fine art, walking to buzzard in the morning, bad drivers, people who don't use their blinkers, storms, driving in the rain, having no money, waking up early, night classes, being sick (mono is a bitch), fighting, the Washington airport,Germany, packing and unpacking, not having air conditioning...
Alpha Sigma Tau
Alphas are pretty, Gams are smart, but it takes a TAU to win a fella's heart. Sig Kaps are tan, Tri Deltas got flow, but when you want the best lookin' girl, TAUS are where you go! Tri Sigs are wild, Kappa Deltas are fun, but the TAUS are always number one! A-Phi is sweet, so is D Zeta. But when you're a TAU, nobody's greata! All sororities are great, but when put to the test, You just have to admit that THE TAUS ARE THE BEST!
Myspace Layouts and SO much more from WhateverLife.com! ♥
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My Interests

music, movies, my girls, going to concerts, going for long walks with the girls, my puppy, sleeping in, shopping...nothing to exciting...
Another long-ass survey!!
Name?: Ashley Marie
Nickname(s)?: Ash (I don't like when people call me this, but i'll answer to it) or Lou
Birthday?: 2-19-1986
Birthplace?: Belleville, Il
Hair Color?: Brown-ish
Eye Color?: Hazel
Siblings?: 2-Love them both super much
Shoe Size?: 8
Any Tattoos?: 1
Piercings?: 18
Color?: Pink and Green
Kind of Food?: Rice
Actor?: Will Ferrell
Actress?: Julia Roberts
Place to go on Vacation?: Florida
Sport to Watch on TV?: Baseball
Time of Day?: Night
Swear Word?: Fuck
Cereal?: Apple Jacks
Website?: MySpace or Facebook
Radio Station?: 104.3
Toothpaste?: Colgate
Shampoo?: Whatever smells good
Cartoon Character?: Don't have one
Alcoholic drink?: Bud Light
Kind of Soda?: Diet Sunkist or Mountain Dew
Animal?: Tigers
Day of the Week?: Friday
Month?: May
Season?: Fall
Holiday?: Christmas or Halloween
Type of Music?: Anything...I Love it all, except Techno
Genre of Movies?: Anything
Brand of Cigarettes?: Marlboro Lights
Flower?: Orchids
Scent?: Cotton Blossom or Romance
Ice Cream?: Chocolate
Candy?: Skittles
Board Game?: Clue
Video Game?: Don't play video games
Number?: 19
Store?: Target
Restaurant?: Don't know
~This or That~
Night Owl or Early Bird?: Night Owl
True Love or a Pile of Money?: True Love
Hot Dog or Hamburger?: Not a big fan of either
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Blue or Green?: Green
Vanilla or Chocolate?: Chocolate
Coffee or Tea?: Tea
Purple or Pink?: Pink
Winter or Summer?: Summer
Sun or Moon?: Moon
Ford or Chevy?: Ford
Indoors or Outdoors?: Depends
Camping or fishing?: Camping, if i had to choose
Silver jewelry or gold jewelry?: Silver
Cake or Pie?: Cake
Leather Seats or Cloth Seats?: Doesn't really matter
Dog or Cat?: Dog
~Feelings about Self~
Do you like yourself?: Sure?
Do You Have High Self-Esteem?: Most of the time
Are You Happy With Your Life?: Now more than ever
Do You Like The Way You Look?: Sure
Do You Ever Wish You Were Someone Else?: Not really
~How Many~
Funerals Have You Attended?: I don't keep count, but a lot
Concerts Have You Been To?: I don't keep count, but a lot
Times Has Your Heart Been Broken?: ZERO
Weddings Have You Been To?: A few...
Times Have You Cried?: Too many
States Have You Visited?: I really have no idea
~Have You Ever~
Been in Love?: Thought I was, but NO
Been on a Plane?: Yes, once
Traveled out of the Country?: Kinda
Been in a Fist Fight?: No
Peed Your Pants (past age 7!)?: No
Been in a Car Accident?: Not a bad one
Had a Near Death Experience?: No
Accidentally Hit an Animal?: Yes
Set Anything on Fire?: Yes
Been Totally Drunk?: Yes
Done Drugs?: Yes
Cried Over a Movie/TV Show?: Yes
Broke the Law?: Yes
Got a Speeding Ticket?: No
Been Engaged?: NO
Water Skiied?: No
Bungee Jumped?: No
Made a Prank Call?: Yes
Broken a Bone?: No
Had Surgery?: Yes
Been Seriously Ill?: Yes
Been on the News?: No
Tripped and fell?: Yes...all the time
Been So Scared You Couldn't Sleep?: No
Had a Gun Pointed at You?: No
Kicked a Guy in the Nuts?: Yes
Cursed in Front of Your Parents?: Yes
Cheated on a Significant Other?: No
Shoplifted?: No
Been Arrested?: No
Laughed So Hard That You Cried?: Yes
Cried Yourself to Sleep?: Yes
Hit/Slapped/Punched a Significant Other?: Yes
First Job?: RMC
First Car?: Ford Focus
First Kiss?: Kevin
Did You Like High School?: For the most part
What Was Your Favorite Subject?: Organic Chemistry
What Social Class Did You Fit Into?: Not sure, i was really quiet in high school
Did You Go To Prom?: Yes
Were You a Wild Teenager?: Not until College
Did You Fight Alot With Your Parents?: No
Did You Have Alot of Friends?: Yes
Want to Get Married?: Someday
Want to Have Kids?: Someday...not anytime soon though
If So, How Many?: 2 or 4
Do You Have Their Names Already Picked Out?: No
Any Place You Want to Visit Before You Die?: There are lots
Any Goals/Dreams/Aspirations?: To graduate college and get a good job
Are You Democrat or Republican?: Neither
Do You Like George Bush?: Not really
Are You Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?: Pro-Choice
How Do You Feel About Gay Marriage?: Whatever makes you happy...we should all be so lucky
Are You For or Against the War?: I don't know, against i think
Did You Vote in the Last Presidential Election?: Yes
~Do You Believe In~
Heaven and Hell?: No
God?: Yes
Ghosts?: Yes
Aliens/UFO's?: No
Psychics?: No
Astrology?: No
Soulmates?: Don't know
Love at First Sight?: Yes
Karma?: Yes
~Are You Afraid of~
The Dark?: No
Being Home Alone?: No, i love it
Spiders?: Yes
Snakes?: Yes
Clowns?: Yes
Michael Myers?: Yes...Jen knows why...haha
Jason Vorhees?: No
Ghosts?: No
Cemeteries?: Some
Thunder/Lightning?: Only if i'm driving in it
Sharks?: I'm sure i would be if i saw one
Water?: Not afraid, i just don't like it
Haunted Houses?: Some
Big Dogs?: No
Scary Movies?: No
~In a BF/GF~
Preferred Eye Color?: Brown
Hair Color?: Brown
Hair Length?: Doesn't matter
Ideal Personality:: Not an asshole...i've dealt with too many of those
Preferred Clothing Style:: Doesn't matter
Weight?: Doesn't matter
Height?: Taller than me, which isn't hard
Any Turnoffs?: Being an asshole
Which is More Important, Looks or Personality?: Personality
~How Often Do You~
Smoke?: Everyday
Eat?: Usually once a day
Drink Alcohol?: Maybe twice a week...school gets in the way
Shower?: Everyday
Shave?: Everyday
Brush Teeth?: Twice a day
Dye Your Hair?: Whenever i feel like it
Cuss?: Too much
~Do You Like~
To Snuggle?: Of course
To Be Tickled?: No, i fucking hate it
To Dance?: Yes
To Sing?: In my car or in the shower
To Play Pranks on People?: Not my thing
To Laugh?: Of course
Telling Jokes?: Sometimes
Being The Center of Attention?: Not really
Standing Out in The Rain?: Depends on the situation
Playing in the Snow?: Sometimes
~Are You~
Happy?: Yes
Messy?: Try not to be
Lazy?: Try not to be
Selfish?: Not usually, but i can be
Caring?: Most of the time
Funny?: I'd like to think so
Crazy?: Sometimes...depends on who i'm with
A Bitch?: If you piss me off
Romantic?: Sometimes
Trustworthy?: Yes
Violent?: I try not to be...i'm not a fan of fights
Laid-Back?: Yes
Smart?: I'd like to think so
A Good Person?: I'd like to think so
How Often Do You Have Dreams?: I'm sure every night, but i don't remember them
If You Could, Would You Want to Be Immortal?: No
How Long Does It Take You to Shower?: 10-15 minutes
How Many Pairs of Jeans Would You Say You Have?: 15
How Many Shirts?: Too many
What Size Is Your Bed?: Twin
How Do You React When Someone Tells You You're HOT?: I don't know...it depends
Do You Like Your Name?: Yes
Are You Religious?: Not really
How Often Do You Go To Church?: Not as much as i should
What Kind of Vehicle Do You Drive?: Ford Focus
If Money Was No Object, What Kind of Vehicle Would You Drive?: I have no idea
Have You Ever Licked a 9-Volt Battery?: Yes
What Cell Phone Provider Do You Have?: Sprint
Do You Read Your Horoscope?: If i'm bored
What Position Do You Sleep In at Night?: Usually on my right side
Are You Addicted to The Internet?: No
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I love any kind of music: Fall Out Boy, Atreyu, Avenged Sevenfold, My Chemical Romance, In Flames, Taking Back Sunday, The Academy is, Gym Class Heroes, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Sugarcult, Story of the Year, Breaking Benjamen, Thrice, Rise Against, Panic! at the Disco, Matchbook Romance, Midtown, James Blunt, Bouncing Souls, Armor for Sleep, Tiger Army, Journey, Queen, As I Lay Dying...the list goes on and on...


I don't know...i have to many to name...


I could watch Law and Order all day...I also like CSI and Sex and the City...


I love to read...i just don't have time to anymore...i love The DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, Anthem, The Giver...


My mom and my sister...They are the two most amazing people I know...They are both so strong and beatiful...I look up to them both, more than they will ever know.