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OkAy sOo aBouT mE.. mY naMe Is JeSsIcA, bUt i LiKe To bE caLleD JeSs Or JeSsi. i HavE tO adMit I'm A sHoRt sHit! sTaNDinG aBoUt 5'2" TaLL wItH NatUrAL bLoNdE hAiR aNd GrEeN eYes. I lOvE dOiNg OuTdOoR SpOrTs, I'm Not A GirL WhO's AfRAid tO GeT DiRtY. I jOinEd ThE UniTeD StAteS MaRiNe cOrPs aLmOst tWo yEaRs agO!! I'mMa bOot. hAhA I'm AlL AbOuT LeTtiNg LoOsE aNd HaViNg A FuN TiMe, LiVinG LiFe tO iT's FuLLeSt aNd EnJoYiNg eVeRy SecOnD. My FrIeNds MeaN aLoT tO mE, EsPeCiALLy tHe FeW tHat HavE bEen By MySiDe tHrOugH GoOd tImEs aNd bAd. (ThAt iNcLuDeS tHe RiDe iN tHe BaCk Of tHe cOp CaR wItH OnE oF tHeM!) hAhA..i LOve To PaRtY! bEeR pOnG NiGhTs Are OnE oF mY FavOriTeS! i'M aLwAyS dOwN tO mEeTiNg nEw PeOpLe, sO iF yOu wAnNa knOw AnyThiNg eLse, JuSt AsK.....

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have you ever..

have you ever just wished that the person you love just be PERFECTLY in love with you for who you are, feel the exact same about you as you do them, and without any doubt know that they're always goin...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 22:30:00 GMT