My name is D. Andre Blount and I am an expert in the areas of Business and Financial Growth for The Blount Group LLC, where out motto is Simple Complexity.
I act as the Growth and Management Consultant & Asset Manager at TBG/SC. WWW.TheBlountGroup.NET In my day-to-day operations, I am able to act as a liaison between the artist and any other component necessary to build the bridge from hard work to success as they realize their dream unfolding in the entertainment industry.
I believe in a hand on approach, which enables a budding artist to dream the impossible and to contribute monumental ideas that forever impact, their profession as well as learn the business aspect of the field. Together we look at the big picture and figure out piece-by-piece how this puzzle should be connected to achieve the vision they desire to bring to life. I utilize a simple formula to conquer a complex game, and that is research, time management and cost effective spending to produce success that will continue to produce fruit for an artist to eat from long after the height of the harvest.
After working with several independent artist and songwriters I can confidently say that there is a need for someone in your camp who is willing to navigate the uncharted territory and do your legwork for you as a client which leaves you more time to focus on honing your craft and enjoying your first love bring a creative spirit. So if you are looking for a team who is goal oriented and committed to helping you see your dreams come into fruition then the Blount Group LLC is the family for you.
Wise counsel, careful guidance, and a support system at your fingertips I'm here to help YOU!
TBG serves a wide range of industry professionals, from recording artists to retailers to record labels. TBG also consults with professionals in the areas of music production, directing, and management. We are experienced in film and television, live concerts, marketing and promotions. Every grass roots area that it takes to get your career to the point of success, we take personal pride in going the extra mile to provide the level of excellence that you deserve. Finally, TBG provides venues for your project to reach retailers and businesses of all sizes, to which we feel you can appeal to in mass quantities. We understand that in today’s market corporations want to use music as a promotional or sales tool to cement their brand identity or appeal to a specific demographic. Among the wide variety of services that TBG offers are:
Business Start-Up Plans
Asset Management strategies for short and long term success.
Pre-production planning and budgeting
Securing venues
Artist selection
Budgeting & Negotiating all contracts
Sound Design
Lighting/Multimedia Desigen
Video Production
Gig Swaps, Touring (Showing you how to hook up with other bands and artists for gig swapping to maximize your tour schedule).
On-line, off-line and experiential marketing
Extensive contacts with consulates and arts organizations from around the world
Coordinate all publicity needs
Relationships with key media
Identifying potential sponsors
Proposal development
Cross promotions
We realize that working with each artist, as an individual is the key to continuing a legacy of creativity. Each one of us is a mystery that cant be easily solved!!!
The puzzle whose pieces fit to form not one but many pictures depending on who is putting the pieces together? So let TBG help you figure out the BIG picture
and figure out piece-by-piece, how your puzzle should be put together in a way that will attract everyone from the most conservative to the most avant garde music lover.
We fit to form instead of conforming to fit in. Be an original!
Our Mission statement is: Some Think Inside the Box. We Think Customized Solution, Artistry, Aspiration, Perspiration, Inspiration & Relentlessness!!!
No excuses, No Regrets, Excellence thru endurance!
Proverbs 27:17 - IRON SHARPENETH IRON; so a man SHARPENETH the countenance of his friend!!!
So let The Blount Group LLC / Simple Complexity help sharpen & direct your career.