My name is Sandiiii ♥ i am 19, i go to CCRI :)i work full time as a health care provider. i am happy to say im in a WONDERFUL relationship with my babeee Jimmy, going on 3 years in september :) and i couLdnt be more happier to spend my Life with someone so speciaL ♥ when im not workinq i Like to hang out with my girLies, go out to eat and just hang out. not into partyingg or anything... i LOVE the gym it makes me feel good and is a GREAT stress reLiever :)i have a BIG heart but never take it for granted. i have a goddaughter on the wayyy!! and i cant wait to see her cute LiL face & squeeze her! LoL... *Jocelynn TayLor* she wiLL be here in September :) and thats about aLL for now :) AIM SCREEN NAME: SANDiiLYN