Marc Ramone profile picture

Marc Ramone


About Me

Hey Marc Donnelly
catch me on msn at
shite haircuts and going to poland

My Interests

starting uni
leaving uni
starting shite course
applying for new course
all goes well in 2 years time ill get straight into 3rd year at uni
probably to leave again

hopefully one day ill look as kool as this


Recently I've been listening to :
New Found Glory
Daft Punk
Cat Stevens
Kings of Leon


Back to the Future. Star Wars episodes 3-6. Die Hard. Lord of the rings. Indiana Jones. National Lampoons Animal House. Clerks..


That 70's show. Drake and Josh. NYPD Blue. CSI. Fraiser. The Office. 24. Father Ted. Extras. Curb Your Enthusiasm . Prison Break. My Name Is Earl. South Park.


Anything by Chris Ryan


Ah, Paris. I haven't been back there since we liberated her in '44. The City Of Lights knew peace once more. I also got the clap, but that's a another story for another time.