Photography, mountain biking, snowboading, hiking/camping, kicking back, Cookin/eating, reading, travel, and just living well.
people who enlighten my life.
I listen to just about anything except hardcore country. I like to keep an open mind when it comes to music. I tend to lean twards the blues, hard rock/metal, reggae, classic rock, and funk. It all depends on my mood and surroundings.
Braveheart, Gladiator, FightClub, Kill Bills, Momento, Waiting, Friday, Airplane!, LOTR, Caddyshack, Sin City, Monty P flix.
Baseball (Yankees), football, South Park, Discovery, Science and Nat Geo channel.
Philosophy, some fiction, anything that makes you think. Tom Robbins, Tolkien,.
My Mom, my Bro and Sister for putting up with my past shit, and anyone willing to stand up for themselves while being mindful and true to everything around them.