I like most any kind of music. World travel. FOOD, new foods, different foods, comfort foods, yummy foods, you get the idea. Good movies and excellent books. Spending time with friends. Some sports, watching not playing. Doing completely spontanious and unexplainable things for no good reason whatsoever. And loads of other stuff that I just dont have the time or inclination to list here.
I'd like to meet:
Just about anybody excluding serial killers and rapists! I'm always agreeable to making new friends no matter what stage of life they are or where they're at. Oh and I think it would be cool to meet the Denver Broncos!
Really I have very eclectic tastes in music but just to give you a small sample...
Wow yeah, like I've got room for that here, just a few to give you a taste... all the Lethal Weapons, all the Die Hards, Tombstone, Man on Fire, the Bone Collector, the Bourne Identity/Supremecy, Oceans Eleven, G. I. Jane, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Office Space, A Few Good Men, Training Day, Hamlet (with Kenneth Branagh), all of Alfred Hitchcocks movies, Drop Dead Fred, Reservoir Dogs, Good Morning Vietnam, Ransom, The Fifth Element, and many many more. My personal collection is just over 200 and growing.
I don't ever watch t.v. except for monday night football, but I do watch certain series when they come out on dvd, CSI, Smallville, Charmed, 24, Scrubs, Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, Monk, and Family Guy. Those are really the only things I watch semi-regularly.
Yes I'm a dork but the whole Harry Potter series. Classic horror/adventure stories e.i. Dr Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, The Island of Dr. Moreau, Robinson Crusoe, Treasure Island, The Phantom of the Opera, and so on. Shakespeare, my favorite is Hamlet. Mary Higgins Clark. Anything by Patrick F. McManus. And most recently Chuck Palahniuk. In 7th grade I read almost every Louis L'amour and I still dabble in those occasionally.
Jesus, Batman, and Superman. They are pretty much the epitome of heros.