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Boston Transplant"

About Me

I moved to Orange County from Boston a little over five years ago, but am a native Rhode Islander. I never was a big fan of the cold weather / hot and humid summers so getting a job that happened to be here worked out great. I love the , working out, the beach, biking, traveling, camping and doing just about anything outdoors. I am just a down to earth kinda guy who is more of a homebody than a clubber. I am happily partnered with John, who after a year moved from Phoenix to be with me in Cali. We have two awesome dogs, Cain and Maggie and live in a great neighborhood in Costa Mesa. I think the dogs love the beach as much as we do. Someday we will live walking distance from the beach.It took me a while to get used to California and make new friends, as my partner John says… if you say hi or are nice to someone they think you are strange or want something. I miss my family, friends and food from back east, but love living here and don’t think I’ll ever move back. My hardest transition has been the lack of Dunkin Donuts Coffee in California LOL. I think my blood type is caffeine, I am always drinking some, ill make the D&D at home, then its all about the Coffee Bean in California. ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Always up for making new friends, meeting new people. Love to travel and learn about other places. I’m in a committed exclusive relationship, so if you have any intentions other than friendship move on.


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Smallville, Hero's, Pushing Daisys, Bionic Woman, Desperate Housewives, Nip/Tuck


ouch.. Rich is choking me!