Running, riding my bike, hanging out with friends, laughing and being silly, learning new things, challenging myself. Making myself do things even though i think they are far beyond my reach and i could never be successful. I love going to school and being smart. I want to help people someday and offer them something that they can't afford. I want to be a pioneer, dream big, give everything i have, and know that what i do in life makes someone else's life easier... AND loving my boyfriend he's pretty cute too :)
I wish that i could have met a lot of people...mostly i wish i had got to meet my father and known him better before he passed. I wish i also could met people who made a huge impact on history such as James Madison, Albert Einstein, Ralph Waldo Emmerson, Henry David Thoreau...and so on...But for the here and now i love meeting people that are different and new and make me think outside of the box
Gosh you know i would listen to just about anything...
I just have to put Elf first because when i had mono, i kid you not, i watched the stupid movie six times..Mystic pizza, Waiting, All of the Kill Bill series, Iron Man (sooo good, you better go see it)Wedding Crashers, Disney Movies, Shrek, Sixteen Candles, any Will Ferrel, Vince Vaughn, Steve Carrel, funny comedy movie i will watch..i can't stand/hate scary movies
I don't have time to watch TV but when i do i looooove House, Bones, the History Channel, and any ooey gooey medical channel that has surgery or something icky and crazy looking going on. I love stuff like that!