MY GOD, My life, my wife, my kids, my relationships with this life. I also enjoy hosting "Life Talk" on Detroit Hood News, check it out on myspace or youtube.
The creater of life, without him i would not have met my greatest treasure.......LIFE. I'm also looking for people in the music and model business. I have a few friends in the advertising business who are always looking for good music for commercials. I have connects with a very large urban firm and also two very large, actually global firms that are always looking for new faces and music. I can guarantee your tracks will be heard.
What ever intrigues my mind and moves me.
action and thought provoking.
Boston Legal (me and my wife, can't get enough of it), i'm starting to come around on the reality show biz (still kinda whack).
What ever hits me at the time. I go across the spetrum when it come's to reading.
GOD, My Dad and Mom, my wife, my kids and myself. My other hero is my grand dad (Bubba) cooler then a freeze pop in a ice box (R.I.P. grand dad).