"WELCOME" i love daydreamin' and fantasies!!! :) anyhtin' and everythin' lavender!!! :) sunrise and early mornings... :) the saturn planet... :) night-outs with friends!!! :) laughin and cryin' my heart out with funny stories...movie marathon till my eyes are sore... :) bonding moments with CAPADES!!! :) touring the whole of the Philippines with my friends (wink'wink') playing with my dogs when i'm bored...:) and romatic-comedy flick of all kinds!!! :)
"WELCOME"friends...old and new alike...people from my past...and people from present...so, that's basically...anybody that i know, and have come to know from past engagements...YOU!!!
"WELCOME"-- -- -- Destiny's Child - Soldier -- Video code provided by KEKAI BOYh!phOp 'n RnB // :: // da LykS oF UsHeR, TaMiA, TyReSe, JoE, aLiCiA KeYs, BoYzIImEn, BEP aNd A WhOLe LoT MoRe oF FrEak!n' h!phOp Muz!c...anYthing and Evrthin' ThAt I FinD AmuSing And rELaxIng to the EaRS... :) :) :)
"WELCOME" YoU gOt SeRveD, SiXtEEn CaNdLes, F!nDinG NeMo, X-MeN, HaRRy PoTTer, CLueLeSS, ScAry MoVieS, SwEEt HoMe AlabAmA, ThE SwEEteSt Th!nG, 10 Th!ngS I HaTe AbOut YoU, EvEr AfTeR, CrUeL InTenTioNs, CoYoTe UgLy, HoW to LoSe A GuY In 10 DaYs, HeAd OveR HeELs
"WELCOME"SeX aNd thE CiTy, CSI, CSI MiAm!, GiLmoRe GirLs, The OsBouRnEs, MTV Cr!b, MTV, mOv!e ChAnnELs...
"WELCOME"PuRpOse DRivEn LiFe, I KiSSed DaTinG GOOdbYe, FriEnD oF tHe LoNeLy HeArT, The StOrY of StOriEs...aNd mAnY mOre tO mEnTioN