checkered past zine profile picture

checkered past zine

About Me

a perzine from a midwest grrl.
all issues can be acquired for a trade (preferred--doesn't have to be another zine, i'm open to letters, mix tapes, etc. just ask), or a dollar.
issue ..14--journal entries from winter-summer 2006. change, travel, politics, adjustment, reflection, nature.
issue ..13--a few stories, a piece about the connection nada surf has had to my relationship with my brother, journal entries about living far from home, stories about people who keep popping up in my life, and much more!
issue ..12--stories. the stories of a spontaneous night that turned into one of the best of my best friend and i's lives, a couple critical mass rides, and a semi-stalker. also, a few camping neighbor reviews.
issue ..11.5--summer 2005 audio zine. chronicles quitting my job, going to a biotech conference by myself, going camping by myself, hanging out with friends, going to chicago with friends, and getting ready to move away from it all.
issue ..11--celebrates my life before i moved away, and looks at my decision to move away to school.
issue ..10--the entries from pg. 23 of every journal of mine, a lot of discussion about taser guns, some thoughts on train travel, and a list of things to do in my life.
issue ..9--a list of 122 things to do to be happy.
issue ..7--protesting the Free Trade Area of the Americas in Miami. essays about the FTAA and globalization, as well as a travelogue from my trip there, and discussion of the insurrection.
various issues of checkered past are carried by these lovely distros: Gigglebot Distro
Brass Buttons Distro
Paper and Thread Distro.