*BkaCC 2 The Single Life* profile picture

*BkaCC 2 The Single Life*

U Kno Da SeT I C^laimE.I.C^.C^.

About Me

wats CraCCin yall kno who it is and wat it is...I go 6y many names...just depends where I'm at or whom I'm wit...6ut for the most part I prefer to go 6y Tut or V aka Young Vicious(Choose ur piCC)...I only hang wit the realest ni66as(E.I.C.C.)...Cuz only real recognize real 6elieve dat...Otha then dat I'm 6ein a father to my lil gurl...Ayanna aka Na-Na(I luv dat lil gurl to death)...She's pretty muCh tha 6est thing dat has every happened to me...So Cuz of dat I grind hard er day(feel me)...I only FuCCs wit dat 6lue(LoCC's) and 6laCC(Folk Nation) flag only...dat dead flag I leave dat to dem(only get down when deep)slo6 ni66as...YEA I SAID IT!!!...And if ya ain't feelin dat...Then get tha Hell Out...

My Interests

F***in,smokin and Loc'in

I'd like to meet:

no6ody 6ut da man up stairs...when it's tyme 2 dat it... This profile was created using: ProfileTweaks Editor Ver.1

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South Central,Boys In the Hood,Belly,and C-walkin


Fresh Prince,Martin,Bet,ESPN


God,and my granddaddy