mhAe profile picture


About Me

wAZzUp mAh fUckin hOmies ouT mHae .....`!A gaNgstAh lOver aNd a thuG lovin cHic......mAny loVes mE bcOz im sWeet aNd a lOving pErsOn.....mAh homies,im jUst a siMple bUt dAngerOus tYpe oF gurL.....noBoby caN treat aS if thEy knOw mE wEll.....bUt dOnt wOrrY cOz am a Friendly pErsOn....i LovE haNging oUt w/ mAh friEnds aNd having tRoubLe w/ mAh pEEpz........i cAnt live w/oUt CRIP by my sidE.........sO juSt wAnna tEll yAh thAt if yOu ain't BLUE you ain"t trUe........

My Interests


aNy especiAlly tHe sOngs of BONETHUGS AND HARMONY, tUPac , And blaCkeyed pEas........!