life isn't measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.hmmm, i didn't see this one when
i wrote in the "about me" section so there
might be some things that i write here that
you already read up there. lol ok lets see...
i like to read a lot, and i love to draw. (i still
have a lot to learn but am exited to start
getting better at it) i did paint for a while
and kinda did a little charcoal, but neither
of those worked out too well. lol i want to learn
the cello and i already have one (a very
cheap one that i got online but it works to
get started on for now) and am working on
getting the money for lessons (hopefully
sooner rather than later). lol i can't think
of much more, anyone who would be on
my site already knows me pretty well, so
i guess i'll just leave it at that.
Full Name: ashley nicole cuddeford
Eyes: hazelish brown
Hair: brown
Have tattoos?: no
Have piercings?: on my ears
Have a BF GF? no
Own a thong? : lol no
Wear perfume?: yeah
Missed school because it was raining: no
Put a body part on fire for amusement: mine or someone else's? jk lol no
Been hurt emotionally: hasn't everybody?
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: lol no
Fav Color: dark red
Day/Night: night
Summer/Winter: winter
Lace or Satin: i don't know. satin i guess.
Cartoon Character: any of the classic WB cartoons
Fave Food: i don't really have a favorite. it just depends on my mood.
Fave Advertisement: i can't think of one
Fave Drink: any kind of juice. or sprite : )
Breakfast Food: french toast
ice Cream: anything chocolate. just as long as it doesn't have nuts in it : )
Fave sport: football
Wearing: jeans and a t-shirt
Eating: nothing
Drinking: water
Thinkin about: how much i've procrastinated today lol
Cried: not that i can remember
Worn jeans: i'm wearing jeans now : )
Met someone New online: no
Done laundry: yes
Drove a car: yes
Talked on the phone: yes
Said "I love you": yes
Picked a wedgie?: lol no
Yourself: yeah
Your friends: of course
Santa Claus: no
Tooth Fairy: no
Angels: yes
Ghosts: no
UFO' s : no
God: 100% yes
love at first sight?: no (you kinda have to know the person before you can love them)
Do you ever wish you had another name?: no
Do you like anyone?: yes
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: my mom, sisters, and the shaws
Who have you known the longest of your friends: same answer
Who's the loudest: when we're all together, all of us
Are you close to any family members?: yes
Who's the weirdest?: friends or family? both
Who do you hang out with the most?: my mom and sisters
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's run through: field
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: day
Where did all the: people go
When will they: come back
Why can't you: understand
Silly, little: puppy
Show me some: i don't know...
The sky: is big
Tell me: a secret
Hide me: behind the door lol
Love me: with all your heart
I hate your stupid: thats just mean. lol
My mom thinks you're: a good friend
She's not: perfect
Are you that: stubborn
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Sprite or 7UP: sprite
Scruff or Clean shaved: it depends
Blondes or Brunets: same answer
Tall or Short: average i guess
Pants or Shorts: pants
Night or Day: night (wasn't that same question under the favorites?)
What do you notice first: ummm, it depends on what catches my eye first.
Last person you slow danced with: i've never slow danced with anybody
Worst Question To Ask: i don't know
What type of weather are you?
You are rain. Misunderstood. No - You arnt gloomy! You're romantic and
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i like a lot of different kinds of music. 3 doors down, evanescence, avril lavigne, fefe dobson, backstreet boys, nickelback (although some of their stuff can get pretty trashy so i just skip those songs), celine dion, jessica simpson, lifehouse, the calling, linkin park, josh groban, norah jones, a lot of '80's music (i don't feel like naming all those), nuttin' but stringz (their cd hasn't come out yet). i could name a lot more but i'm sure you already stopped reading a long time ago so i won't. lol
i like action movies, just as long as thats not all it focuses on. there has to be an interesting story along with it. i like comedies, and chick flick, tear jerker, type movies. i like a lot of 80's movies that i'm sure that not many of you have even heard of. lol there are a lot of animated movies i like, like beauty and the beast, a bug's life, finding nemo, the emperor's new groove, the rescuers down under... i guess i like almost any type of movie, but of my favorites i would have to say, the village and the phantom of the opera (both of which, i have the soundtrack. lol) oh, and the green mile too. but that one i can't watch too often 'cause it makes me cry.
ok, i'm gonna name off a lot of shows and its gonna sound like all i do is watch tv, but thats not how it is. i really don't watch that much. i like to watch friends, lost, dharma and greg, alias was pretty good but its gone downhill this season, smallville, related (one of the best out there!), i love to watch america's funniest home videos, home improvement, seinfeld (i haven't seen very many episodes, but what i have i thought was funny), wings, third watch, and a lot of reality shows like, the amazing race, survivor, american idol, and big brother. there are more that i could name off, but i'll spare you of that. lol
oh my gosh, i love to read! give me a book and i'm as happy as a clam (i never really understood that expression, but it applies to this. lol) a few of my favorite books are, fire by night and candel in the darkness (two novels on the civil war), and one tuesday morning (that was about 9/11), the scarlet thread (oregon trail), true devotion (a navy seal and his wife), the keeper of the isis light (a book that my mom read when she was little), eragon, and eldest from the inheritance trilogy (the third one hasn't come out yet), and a whole lot more. i don't know why i felt the need to explain what they were about but hey, it works. lol