clive barker, bruce campbell, c.s. friedman.... People who DON'T spam other people or tell them how they too can "work at home" B/C then I just have to DELETE them. I'd rather meet the people who think, who have an appreciation for the obscure, bizarre and ridiculous... who can express themselves and help others express themselves and people who can watch hour after hour of "who's line is it anyway?" and keep laughing with me the entire time and I'd like to meet more people who can appreciate a good and twisted coversation and bring it up YEARS later with me so we can giggle a bit over it and souls who can sympathize with others without pity-ing them and still waters that run deep deep purple and adults who understand and enjoy still acting like a child when it comes to playing at the playground or running in the woods (look out I'm gonna GET YOU) and people who teach kids how to do headstands and people who will trip the light fantastic spiritual dancing torture chamber lucky shot we've got in this place drink it in even when it sucks poke fun at it until it giggles
uncontrollably and pees it's pants kinds of people and sock folding sandwich making song singing butt pinching tattoo wearing keyboard typing gas pumping foot rubbing puzzle piecing bejeweled people who know enough not to be satisfied with the way the world is in all its begrimed splendor and yet are deliriously happy, albeit intermittantly, to be a part of it. Feel the Love (err... it's running down your leg...)
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