I am nineteen years old. I believe we all make mistakes and i believe everyone deserves a second chance. You should take one thing from reading this if your just passing through. That one thing is that love is not everything. If it dont just work right then and right there then it never will problems are suppose to develope waaay later not early on and live your life and have fun until about 22. If you find the one before that and it isnt too much work or off and on and just works from the get go then keep em. But too many people in this day and age rely on love. Most of them dont even see it but they do. It will come to us all one day. And if you are trying to get someone back and it doesnt work give up and move on. Dont miss out on things in life for love it holds you back and love is suppose to do the exact opposite. It is to inspire you and motivate you through life not bring you down. So take that with you and try to live by it and see if it improves life. I should only say i love my family because my friends are my family. I am in the United States Army. No I am not affraid of death. Death is a journey, and adventure. Like bungee jumping, you are just scared of it because you haven't done it yet. Yet once you do jump it is fantastic and you wanna do it again. That is why there are med students who do that, die and come back. IT is just another ride in life. Except unlike all the others, this one is defferent. Recently death showed me something i never thought it would. It showed em life. Now it is time for me to clean mine up and get shit right and LIVE. Thanks Jason, I love you bro. I know it is hard to believe but i am. I am one of the few that choose to straighten up there life and/or stand for something. I fight for something that very few people fight for anymore. I fight for our countries freedom. Freedom from fear, from terror, from slavery. You may wear something or have an opinion against what i do. I fight for you to do that okay? I fight so that the ones i love may be happy and do as THEY please. Without that freedom and right we are lost. REMEMBER THAT! If you choose to not tlak to me for something that goes against wut you like, fuck you its life deal with it. To the rest, i love you and thank you for your support. I dont regret anything in my life.... I love you all and i cant wait to be with yall again .....someone once told me that love finds us...it doesnt find you so stop tryin to look so hard....