the world could use some more love songs. therefore yours truly, buddha skywalker, will be releasing a cd called "love songs for the gloom generation"
the songs aren't perfect, but are pretty decent. we recorded them through Garage Band. Most of the songs were done pretty quickly.
'tell me' is a simple song but buddha skywalker is pretty happy with the catchiness of it.
buddha skywalker = vocals and all guitars.
nicoletta = backup vocals.
buddha skywalker now likes the song 'good thing' having slowed down the tempo. he listened to old versions of the song and discovered he drifted away from the cool chorus. so now it's back to the original version.
buddha skywalker = vocals, guitar + keyboards
Whispering in the Dark (Valeria's Song)
This version is special because it's the first attempt of singing it after just composing it. I used my old reporter tape recorder to record it. This is version 1 from about 3 years ago. The song has changed and buddha has struggled to record a version that he likes. This song is dedicated to Valeria, the gal who forced yours truly to pick up the guitar again.
all songs copyright 2005 by buddha skywalker (aka ron)
all music and lyrics by buddha skywalker
wallpaper photo by CEASBO of