1. My Real name is Kandi 2. I am always smiling 3. When i like someone alot they make me blush 4. I laugh alot....randomly 5. I am very clumsy 6. I talk alot when i am nervous 7. I love to read, but never make the time 8. I LOVE to cook esp. bake 9. I change my hair monthly 10. I take a pinky promise very seriously 11. I could get stuck watching the T.V. guide channel for hours! 12.When I am trying to stay awake i sing...loudly 13. I am a HORRIBLE singer! 14. I have conversations with my dog like she understands 15. I am never without my camera 16. I have genuine love for just about everyone i meet 17. I am way to nice to people even the ones who don't deserve it 18. I have a thing for guys in pajama pants 19.i am very ticklish 20. I think reduced fat strawberries and cream cake from starbucks was created by God to fix all of my bad days!! 21. When i am hungover i am known for Q-tip cleaning the house 22. I have 2 tattoos 23. My family is so insane but i LOVE every one of them 24. The sound of fingernails on jeans....KILLS me!!! 25. Rosalyn is my best friend ever!! i feel so lucky that i found her 26. I cry anytime someone else is crying 27. Not only am I a very picky eater...my food can't touch 28. I believe my sisters are the most beautiful girls ever! 29. I LOVE sushi!!! 30. Growing up i had a pet goat...with only 3 legs hahaha 31. I am a sap for a love story....but think they are all fake 32. I actually understand and enjoy baseball 33. I don't understand football 34. I love cold rainy days, they are the best for snuggling up in bed 35. i love having movie nights even though i tend to fall asleep 36. i am a sucker for a guy that smells good! 37. I love doing little arts and crafts projects 38. I love looking at the stars...can't see them very well in Beaumont though :/ 39. I have a horrible memory, i have to write things down or i WILL forget!! 40. My favorite flowers are tulips 41. I can't ever pick a favorite color 42. I have never broken a bone...knock on wood 43. I have made some horrible choices but i have no regrets 44. I get lost just about anytime i drive 45. I love old music and old movies! 46. I don't drink beer...i am more of a liquor girl 47. I love wearing hats! 48. i love being in the water out in the sun 49. Listening to live music esp. Midnight River Choir 50. My niece and nephews are the light of my life. I feel blessed for the life I have been given, my family and my friends...i am a pretty lucky girl...
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