Jack Daniels, manicure and pedicures, cleaning obsessively, camping, the beach, my dog, happy hour.
Who I would like to meet changes by the day. There are definitely a variety of people. My grandfathers, for sure...a nice guy, fun people.......
Depends on the day, I am a whatever kind of girl. Do not have a lasting passion for any certain types of music. I enjoy music that reminds me of certain events, or sparks certain emotion.
I dont have a long enough attention span to sit through a movie. If I watch a movie, it is once and only once-I will never watch the same movie twice, and do not have the ability to even grasp animation, spacey non-realistic movies. Oh and hate the stupid funny movies too!
I watch the news, sports, Grey's Anatomy, General Hospital and I am an American Idol freak!
I don't read, that would involve me sitting by myself and being quiet..........I dont do those things.
I admire many different people, for many different reasons.