Jamie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am Captain Skull Crusher Johnson. Yar. Prepare to be boarded.

Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user(http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k286/pulselayouts/en2 /handcuffs_en.jpg); background-position:top left; width:435px; height:237px;} body {border:5px solid rgb(255,255,255); scrollbar-arrow-color:rgb(0,0,0); scrollbar-track-color:rgb(0,0,0); scrollbar-highlight-color:rgb(97,97,97); scrollbar-shadow-color:rgb(97,97,97); scrollbar-face-color:rgb(97,97,97); scrollbar-dark-shadow-color:rgb(97,97,97); scrollbar-3dlight-color:rgb(97,97,97);} Artistic MySpace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has the mental fortitude to hold my attention.

My Blog


So yea I got a house. 3 bedroom 2 bath like 1500 sq ft and an in ground pool. Its fucking awesome. My family came down to see me on Thanksgiving. That rocked. Connie took pictures. My nephew is gynorm...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 14:17:00 GMT


ADVENTURERS NEEDED! Are you prepared to trek across the world into situations of certain death? Can you make decisive plans of action at a moments notice with an acid breathing abyss python chasi...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 00:20:00 GMT

Back from Iraq

So hey you all, Im back from the sand box. I have a new number unfortunately. I couldnt keep the old one its 912 401 2964. Now, I have been back for a couple weeks now and Ive contacted almost everyon...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 19:06:00 GMT

Where to find Happiness

There once was a man who was obsessed with finding hapiness. He searched high and low traveling near and far in his search. One day, while walking through the desert, he came across a very old wise ma...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 00:15:00 GMT


So i have been out in the dust bowl for almost 2 months now. It is hot but not humid and my skin is starting to remind me of fried chicken. I have sliced up my hands and arms on the aircraft alre...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 07:38:00 GMT

Camp Striker, Baghdad

Well children, I have finally made it out to the big Iraq. It is dry, it is hot and the sun is brighter than anything i ever saw in the states. Then again thats cause theres nothing out here. I get t...
Posted by on Tue, 22 May 2007 02:24:00 GMT

In Kuwait

Ok, So I have made it to Kuwait ok. The ride over wasnt too bad, though we did have a little turbulance over london. We flew up the east coast, turned out towards the atlantic in Norfolk, VA. We hit l...
Posted by on Wed, 09 May 2007 09:54:00 GMT

What is it?

What is it you say?...well it starts off feeling like a spring thaw...it burns...it tickles...it rages...then it cools...its knowledge...its faith...its hopeful...it yearns...its violent...and bloody....
Posted by on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 00:17:00 GMT

Ive been thinking

I havent been getting alot of sleep for the past few days, and Im not quite sure why. Yesterday, I completely beat up my knees tearing down 5 aircraft in preparation to leave for NTC on Tuesday. Thats...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 10:20:00 GMT

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas all you crazy people!! Ok so I had a pretty cool christmas, I got to spend it with my wonderful boyfriend. Even though I only got to see him for the weekend. Im still pretty blown abou...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 07:06:00 GMT