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About Me

Who is Lauren Miller? Only a person exactly identical to her would know. I am an individual. A girl who considers herself to be someone who cares what others think, yet at the same time doesn’t really appreciate their opinions. I hear what they say but I find myself ignoring their foreign words when I think privately. I am the average sized, dark-haired girl you witness walking down the street. Alone, with no idea what the world around me is experiencing. In a place where no one can reach me; my thoughts, dreams, and aspirations are off limits. I am the athlete that silently makes a difference in the outcome of the game. I am neither the person who ostentatiously shows off their talents, nor the person who sits on the side and watches the competition. I am the intelligent girl that sits in the classroom and pays attention to what is being taught. Others come to me for assistance and trust my answers to be corrects. I am the scholar who you could find sitting wordlessly at lunch, computing math equations and writing expert essays for an English class. I am the worker who in the field picks the most cotton. I will never tire or give up effortlessly. I am eager to help as much as I can, and want to be a role model. A day doesn’t pass without my tasks being completed in an exceptional way. I am the raindrop that nobody wants but everything needs.

My Blog


Fear   Palms sweating while they are grasping the   Tearstained pillow, daunting sounds in the cryptic   Maze of a heart.   Whirlwinds of sentiments fleetly take to the air.  ...
Posted by on Mon, 29 May 2006 20:14:00 GMT