finding the balance between pretension and legitimacy, photography, illustration, cool scenester street art. non-fiction, and bad t.v. . . solitary late night bike rides in the east favorite. graphic-design as an occupation. social-enigmas as a hobby. friends who make me laugh and also make me feel like i wish i was as clever as them...
midgets and rock roll has beens.
opeth. mastodon. black sabbath. green day. the misfits. the buzzcocks. bad brains. the clash. the descendents. social distortion. hole. ac/dc. air. cocorosie. jolie holland. the decemberists.
in god's hands, office space, zoolander, monsoon wedding.
lost. grey's anatomy. gilmore girls addict. the food-network as an all-encompassing, brain numbing wonderful experience.
still life with woodpecker. the poetry of sylvia plath. the bell jar. art books. . . lots and lots of magazines...SWINDLE.
jason lee.