musice&movies big time, being around my favorite people, getting to know worldly cultures&religions, plotting to take over russia;), and Vladimir TepesIII
I'd like to meet:
elephants and fish are pretty kool, but i think having a pet turancula named Anestesia or Toni [or Clide for the hell of it] would be amazing...even though best name ever is Aurora.....I'd like to meet, just about any rockstar or super hero. Preferable guy.
Most def Vladimir Tepes3, and John Astin (Mr. Adams [I missed my one chance])and Dimetri Martin.
Myspace Glitters
haha hippy smilyalrighty peps here is my version:::::
♥miss faye---my wife of course, amazing and forever entertaining, forever herself and knows that she's capable of anything she puts her mind to plus that, she's passionate and one of the most amazing friends i have:)
jimmy----my best bud for awhile now, mostly thought of as my bro but everyone and he knows that(second in state medal for wrestling, complete with the "hump a guy medal"
mattman---great friend, amazing person who knows who he is and isn't afraid to speak his mind and be honest, lol scares me sometimes with to much in common and the meow mix jingle now makes me spin around:), u know how much i care about u and that u mean so much to me, we talk alot and u know me better than most people ever hav
jazzy---always there for me, always a great listener and friend, a great passion for friendship and isn't afraid to confront someone when they're treating someone wrong, and ofcourse props for the best oboe playa(lol)
gello----compasionate, caring, and a great amount of power even if she doesn't always c it, she cares so much for her family and its admirable, one day she will save people in a distant land and change the world cuz she's just that amazing and has SO much luv to give
mike----fluffy but always mr mike at heart, ur a pretty deep person, i learned over the summer, someone that surprises u when u get to know them, and cares alot about their friends((((even though i secretly know i annoy the hell outta u and hav so much fun with it its insane, dude just tell me and we'll be kool, be urself))))), my favorite cubbie/bears fan:)
jordan----so much more than her obvious beauty, she has some power in everything she does and says, a comanding presence and speak but so friendly and loving, i luv u much and ur one of my favorite people never fake and forever optomistic and able to keep on goin no matter what happens, i think so much of u:)
lydia---my favorite goppher homie, ur my soul mate according to our crazy beagal night with an astrology book, u too know who u are, always a smile on ur face ur still very complex with more soul than most people i've met, i c u as a very strong person who can get through anything
amanda----im just meeting u, hardly cing u in person, but deep conversations and tradeing moments of experience in our lives and we've gotten to know eachother fast through unexpected circumstances, ur an amazing person who will make it though anything and will find themselves because deep down u know u can as much as i know u can, and u used my quote which always makes me smile:)
tiffany----the most passionate person i think i've ever met, a sensitive poetic soul often broken by her many admirers, a future cheif and a talented violinist, so much potential and heart it amazes me, ur my girly girl from my boyz who i can always talk to and never forget that;)
jessica---my orchestra homie little seen but not forgotten, nikki mateing call lives on, u've always seen me differently and were able to laugh anything off, athletic u r ur own person, admirable, respectable, dependable, and most of all missed by me so much, i get my license and im findin a way to u in paletine:)
brooke---my forever twin since we first met in that copy room, optimistic and smilely, kind hearted and understanding, u give the best hellos i've ever seen and its great to know u:)
leona----knows me more than most people, u've dealt with so much change and so much luv u amaze me, ur able to see the good in people, be deep and complex, but childish and fun, ur personality is muppetastic and i luv u much for it g cuz ur my ac:)
adam---a complex artist who too is deep in unexpected ways, i think alot of u, i don't think i've ever seen someone stop in their tracks to admire an artist at work or even a simple sketch,i can trust u enough to tell u about anything know u wont repeat it, that means alot
estefania----dispite our constant name calling and random cat fits, u my bumble bee goth have been one of my best buds for a long time since we met at recess in the 3rd grade and u found me again in 6th, our cville bond lives on and know that im always there for u
zickefoose---far down the list alphabetically only i promise, ur very unique and our caveretta english bud friendship lives on a year later which is pretty kool, very beautiful inside and out, that u set urself apart and are always urself u amaze me:)
Rock, any rock except religious, it just doesn't make sense to me.
Frank Sinatra, Jazz, and anything with a guitar or good -drum- beat. Down with country music!
Corky and the Juice Pigs!!;)
Alfred Hitchcock's Rebecca,
-Breaking Dawn!!!!!
-bubble boy
-forrset gump
-saving private ryan
-neverland (the one with johnny depp)
-every halloween movie
-swamp thing
-dracula the original
-frankinstein original
-i was a teenage frankinstein
-supersize me
-willy wonka
-charlie and the chocolate factory
-any lord of the rings movie
-red dragon
-silence of the lambs
-austin powers the spy who shagged me
-remember the titans
-queen of the damned
-homeless to harvard (luv it)!!!!!!!!
-ron clark story
-edward scissorhands
-once upon a time in mexico
-music of corpse bride
-hocus pocus
-the birds
-the shineing
-jeepers creepers
-the wedding singer
-tomb raider
-the ring
-any harry potter movie
-49steps (alfred hitchcock again)
-BOONDOCK SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(i luv it)
-Blues Brothers!
-monster house
-A CHRISTMAS STORY (the lil bro is soo creepy)
-tommy boy
-the eternal
-batman returns
-spiderman 1&2
-jackass 1&2
-death tunnel
-a thousand clowns
-bird man of alcatraz
-day after tomorrow
-school of rock/nacho libre (gotta luv jack black)
-revenge of the nerds
-feris beulers day off(i dunno how to spell his last name[tell me])
-heh ya can't think of anymore at the moment, i know im forgetting alot
South Park! daily show with jon stewart, discovery channel anything, csi (original one), scrubs
Speak, Inkheart, Rebecca, Cut, Honeymoon, The True Confessions of Charlote Doyle, the Last Wolf of Ireland, the vampires promise, the Devil in the White City
Spider Man i guess. i would be like "VLADIMIR TEPES3!" but if ya read my blog id scare you, so ya, Spider Man.Your results:
You are Spider-Man
Green Lantern
The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
haha, woh, irony
Click here to play big version!!
Click here to play big version!!
Click here to play big version!!
Click here to play big version!!
Click here to play big version!!
i blame my imaginary buddies
'What priceless piece of art will you graffito-tag?' at
and the obitchuarey reads:
'What will your obituary say?' at
You Are An ENFP
The Inspirer
You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.
You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.
Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.
You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!
You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.
What's Your Personality Type?gaspers, they spelt quite wrong!!hey, aim me sometime i'm: Stpthmdnssx2