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About Me

Mortalha was one of the first Heavy Metal Bands of Brazil, at the early 80's, apperaring on gigs with Overdose, Dorsal Atlantica and Sepultura those days. With a new singer since 2003, the band lauched a DEMO CD at April/04 with brand new songs and started to gig around Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, planning enhance activities after the New CD Release at Jan'06. Till then go check widespread MP3 samples giveway elsewhere!!ANNOUNCEMENT: With enormous sadness we inform that our Vocals, Phil NaVeia, passed away on Feb'08-2006 after 1 month of treatment suffering due to a very serious accident (a huge tree drops and smashed him while he is walking on street after a show!!)... this was one of those things that we cannot understand for lifetime! Phil, our brother, rest in peace and turn this other dimension that you are on a Rock'n'Roll party for us when our time come. We'll love you forever!

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Member Since: 05/11/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Delahoya (guitars) Phil NaVeia (Lyrics and Vocals - RIP) LP (bass) Vans (drums)
Influences: Jimmi Hendrix, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, TOOL, Nine Inch Nails, Queens of The Stone Age, Rage Against The Machine, Anthrax, Slayer, System of a Down, Pro Pain, Pantera...
Sounds Like: MORTALHA!!!!!!!!!
Record Label: Produtora Som Original (
Type of Label: Indie

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